Monday 30 May 2022

Plan for today - Plant out the other Banana .

 Good morning sweethearts . This was at about 6.05 am ...I woke up a bit later this morning than I normally do . 

I think it was the thought of all the work I have to do on this area of the garden .

You remember all the hard work I did over last Autumn and Winter , trail blazing my way through monster brambles ? Well I had to stop because the birds began making their nests . 

I wanted to cut down the bushes at the top ,to bring in more light to that red Acer and make it fill out and grow towards the South . I noticed a Song Thrush nesting in there .He serenades me morning and evening under my bedroom window . I wouldn't dream of disturbing him or any of the nesting birds .

So today I am getting up there and all I can do right now is pull out the damned Stinging Nettles , cut the grass , dig a big hole and get the Banana planted out .

Got to save some strength for looking after the Grandchildren tomorrow ! 

1 comment:

  1. Martyn began to thin out an apple tree then noticed a blackbird on a nest and so abandoned the work. How lucky to have a song thrush though. We have to keep our banana plant in the greenhouse or the wind shreds its leaves.
