Tuesday 26 March 2024
Lettuces and Leeks
Good Morning Sunshine !
Lovely morning . Blue sky . Sunshine . Sparkling dew .
The Spring surge is happening at last .
Friday 22 March 2024
I was up early and got the Cucumber seedlings potted up .
I am determined to have lots of cucumbers this year !
These are Cucumber Beth Alpha F1 , which have the small cucumbers that are best to harvest at about 16cms . We like the taste of these .
I'm not all that happy with Verve compost though , it looks horrible ! Now I've bought it I will have to use it .
๐๐๐Watch out for the slugs and snails everyone ! Aargh ! This one has eaten about 20 or so of my leek babies ๐๐๐๐
๐ฑMeanwhile on my Bedroom Windowsill ๐ฑ
A selection of my favourite lettuce , a few more cucumbers and some Evening Primrose .
I hadn't expected anything to be happening for a while yet , but I happened to glance towards the window and noticed this .
We have germination !
Thursday 21 March 2024
Aeonium arboreum var. atropurpureum "Schwarzkopf "
A very kind lady in the village was offering free Aeonium cuttings to anyone who'd like them .๐คฉOh ! you bet ! Wow !
It was quite late in the evening , she said bring a carrier bag and torch . We jumped into the car and got over there as fast as we could . I wasn't sure which variety of Aeoniums these were going to be , but delighted to see that they are Aeonium arboreum var. atropurpureum "Schwarzkopf " ..yep....the beautiful black ones !
I took some for my daughter who has caught the gardening bug . Also took some for my next door neighbour .
Feeling very thankful .
Everybody happy ! ๐
I have just been potting them all up , and using the compost from the veg trug which will make it easier to lift when we come to move it . The compost really needs to be changed anyway , but will be o.k. for these cuttings I think .
Sunday 17 March 2024
Several wheelbarrow loads later ๐ฟ
In case you were wondering where I'd gone , I had a bit of a nasty old migraine and had to take a break from moving plants , embroidery or even looking at the computer screen .
I'm ok. again now and have pretty much filled the left-hand side of the new greenhouse .
I remembered that I'd left this big Agave utahensis (the truly evil one !๐ฑ) outside .
Until the old greenhouse was pulled down , it was kept in the furthest corner under the greenhouse bench , only getting the odd drops of water from when I watered the cacti above . In fact I don't think I 've actually gone to specifically water it for a couple of years and it looks as though it has really enjoyed the rain and puffed itself up with renewed vigour .
Into the corner it goes with all the other dangerous beauties !
I grew this from seed that I bought from the British Cactus and Succulent Society many years ago .
The thing with an Agave is that no matter how big the pot is that you put it in , it will quickly grow into it and then stop . If you don't re-pot it then it will make off-shoots ,which I noticed this one has . I decided that this one was big enough and so I have put it into this pot and there it must stay forever more now as it would be far too dangerous to set it free in my garden . I already have three or four less dangerous ones in the garden .
Tomorrow I will take a closer look to see if I can separate the off-shoot . ...and send it to some other botanically insane person to love .
Here we have from left to right Epiphyllum var "Curt Backeberg " A couple of Epie cuttings , a beautiful Aloe that my brother gave me , somewhere in there is a plant label , unfortunately at this time it is swathed in cobwebs and I don't want to put my hand in ! I have already had a few nasty surprises whilst moving all my plants , I had to try and not look as I moved them for fear I'd drop or throw the pot !
The plant behind the Aloe was sold to me as being Rhipsalis elliptica , although I'm thinking now that it might be Rhipsalis pachyptera . Can anyone out there identify it for me please ?
It was looking very sad after having been in the shed over winter and while the new greenhouse was being built .
I re-potted it into a hanging basket and stood it in the lovely terracotta pot ,where it can stay and recover until I fix up another hook to hang it from . It has lovely red phylloclades .... (leaves ) .
I also need to put a big hook up in the beam from which to hang my lovely old Chinese lantern .
Some of the less dangerous Agaves..like Agave americana , Agave salmiana ferox , Agave medio-picta alba . Some of which I have grown from seed , some which were off-shoots .I brought in some of the Agave pups (offsoots ) and that has made room for my new season vegetable seedlings . The tomatoes are already doing well in their 3"pots and now there will be space to bring down the Sweet Pepper seedlings from my bedroom windowsill .
The sun shone all day ! It was warm . So nice to be able to open the windows , after all the rain .
One more pic of the Albuca bracteata , more familiarly known as the Pregnant Onion . Here we have a pot full of fast growing babies !
The rain returns next week .... and the grass never stops growing in Cornwall .
Tuesday 12 March 2024
๐ฟWheelbarrow load of Epies - no 1๐ฟ
So here come the Epies !
Wheelbarrow load number one .
I put them in , but I think there was another tray of them that should go in first .
Stands thinking ...
they all need repotting and where did I put the other tray of Epies ?
I have to get all the Epiphyllums in , as they should all be beginning to show flower buds soon .
I hope they haven't suffered too much from being moved about .
Dreaming about beautiful Epie flowers , usually about the beginning of May .
Epiphyllum "Marilyn Monroe"
Get called in for lunch .
๐ฟ๐ฟ๐ ๐ฟ๐ฟ See ya later ! ๐ฟ๐ฟ๐๐ฟ๐ฟ