Thursday 24 March 2022

Watching the Sun rise this morning - 24th March 2022

 Watching the Sun rising and listening to the beautiful dawn chorus , at about 6.20am this morning .

It is going to be a beautiful day !

Sunday 20 March 2022

Resting up for a few days .


I'm resting up for a few days. I wrenched my neck while kneeling down and scrabbling about simply planting the onion sets . My back and my knees aren't too happy either  .

The last thing I did up in the vegetable garden was to pull out this old cold frame  . I'm not sure what I'm going to grow in it yet ,but I do want to make better use of it .  

 I got a letter in the post from my brother . The kind of letter I get excited about when I shake it and it rattles . Yes ! A lovely packet of mixed flower seeds ....ones that butterflies especially love .
 I am delighted ! These will really brighten up a corner of the garden .
That really cheered me up ! 

That's all for now , even sitting here typing away is making my neck hurt .
 Back soon !  

Thursday 17 March 2022

Onion sets planted !


A lovely sunny morning so I grabbed my fork and got stuck in with removing several very large and long rooted weeds . I can not always be "no dig" . I would like to be for the sake of the earth and all the beneficial living creatures that are in it  and also for my back , but sometimes those giant rooted weeds do sneak in .....and the fork is the only way !

I had two enormous ferns and a huge stinging nettle sneak in amongst my clump of Rhubarb , there was no way I could pull or twist them out and nor could I cover them over to block out the light to them . It just wouldn't work . I had to get in there with my fork .

The leaf mulch I had put on back in the Autumn still hasn't completely broken down and I needed to spread it and work it in . It is lovely earth here though after years of my replenishing , growing and tending to it . The worms are very happy and I enjoyed my good ol'dig too !  πŸ˜›

I took out the bean frame and moved it up to one end . I won't be doing the beans just yet .

It was the bending down and planting all those Onion sets what made my back and neck ache !


I planted most of them and they were all very good quality . The smaller ones I have planted in a little group to be pulled as Spring onions and a few I gave to husband to plant in his veg trug .

His garlic is doing really well in his Veg Trug (despite being planted too close together)...and mine out in the ground which were nicely spaced out and mulched over the Winter.... are pathetic !  πŸ˜’

Getting back to the Onion sets .....

I watered the onion sets in and covered them over with environmesh to keep the birds from pulling them out.  When they see the little onion shoots they think they are worms . They don't eat them , they just pull them out and toss them all over the place , so then I have to plant them all again ! Sometimes I put grids over them for a few weeks until they get their roots down . I couldn't find my grids and so I used the mesh instead .

I pulled up all of the last remaining leeks from this bed .

There was a nice bunch of Purple Sprouting Broccoli hiding in there too . A nice surprise !

These last remaining Leeks were not the biggest I have ever grown , but I trimmed them up and put them into the fridge for later .

Tomorrow I will be having a check of how things are doing in the greenhouse .

A restful afternoon for me now .  πŸŒΏπŸ’šπŸ€

Wednesday 16 March 2022

Onion sets arrived


Hooray ! My Onion sets arrived in the post today !  Stuttgarter Giants from JustSeeds. I am just waiting for a packet of fertiliser to come later today hopefully and then I will get them all planted out .

All is well in the ornamental part of the garden . I need to get started up in the vegetable garden .

However , that is not to say that there isn't anything happening up there . On the contrary under that green net there are sprouts ( actually the sprouts are now harvested ), leeks and curly kale . 

I took a wander up there just to pootle about and think about what needs to be done now and where the onion sets should go . 

poor photo sorry-camera playing up again !

So bed no.1 -is the "hungry gap" bed . It has been happily growing away through the winter and is stuffed full of Leeks and Kale . 

Bed no .2 - has a few onions in dotted about , but was covered in a nice mulch of leaves over Winter to replenish the earth . Bit of cardboard at the end ,over some weeds .  I am not even thinking about this bed just yet . Move on to ---

Bed no.3 - Also covered with a mulch of leaves . I am not even thinking about this bed just yet . Move on to ---

Bed no.4 -  This bed I am thinking about . I think this is where I am going to plant my onion sets .

I didn't have enough leaves to cover the whole of this bed . I just put the last pile of leaves around the bean poles to cover the Runnerbean plants which are still in there and I am hoping will come up again .  They came up again in the "hungry gap" bed no 1 last year  I was very surprised to see ! 

Anyway , so I am keeping the beanpoles where they are and will plant the onion sets all around the rest of the bed . 

There is a big clump of Rhubarb in this bed at the end and I spied several clumps of onions which might be shallots , a nice surprise and will be very useful  in the kitchen . 

I need to weed and scatter some fertiliser down here , to get the onion sets off to a good start . 

So there we are . That is all my pottering about and thinking done for the day . πŸŒžπŸŒ»πŸ’“


Wednesday 9 March 2022

Walking with Mother Nature


I wanted to put together a small collage of Spring before the gales blow it all away ! It is good for the mind and the soul , to wrap up warm and go out for a walk with Mother Nature .

Be loving , peaceful and well .

               Love . Peaceful . Well  .

Saturday 5 March 2022

Gool Peran lowen hag an oll !


                    A very Happy Feast Day of St Piran to you all !

Flags are up all around the village here and indeed all around Cornwall today .

I stitched myself a new pincushion to celebrate . Have a lovely day all !