So the next big task is to cut down just about everything you can see in the above picture .The reason being , while I wasn't well for a couple of years ,the brambles had grown up through all the shrubs . I just wasn't able to climb in there and do it . Well I have news for you Brambles ..... I,m back !
The other thing that I have to attend to is the Amelanchier tree . It just isn't earning it's space .
You cant even see it in this picture , but it's there , just a boring green leaved tree . It does have white blossom on it for a very short time in the Spring . The tips of the leaves are lovely in the Autumn if you go and look close up to it . Mine has never been all that spectacular .
I cant understand why so many gardening shows and magazines recommend this tree for small gardens when there are so many far better trees you could choose .
Maybe there are better varieties of Amelanchier tree that you can get now .
I took off a branch .
The closer you look the more beautiful it is .
I think I might like it better if I cut it down and continue to let it grow as a bush .
So back to work !
There is a beautiful red leaved Acer that I planted a few years ago and I think that when I ve cleared all the "waste of space "bushes , it will be able to spread out it's branches and look so much better .
So , I'm in there somewhere !
Somewhere in the darkness , armed with shears and loppers , beneath a great heavy weight canopy of Brambles .
I took the camera in with me too . There are three or four clumps of Hydrangeas which I have now cut down . I have to be careful or I might never be seen again ! I think this is the best way to do it , but not totally sure . At the moment the bushes are all cut at the bottom but still standing and the bramble canopy is above my head .
I need to go and have a cup of tea and have a little ponder on this .
Even in here , there is much beauty to be found .
More Autumn treasures .
Gone for a tea break !