Saturday 31 October 2020

End of October Vegetable Garden Update

The weather is wild , windy and wet .

It's that muddy ,wellington-boots time of the year again !

I haven't posted anything for a while on here , due to having hurt myself . Pulled/torn a tummy muscle . Ouch ! I cant lift anything and I cant even reach up even to hang something on the washing line.....hurts !

 The doctor has organised physio and I,m waiting for a scan ......and my Flu jab .
 Difficult times right now for anything hospital related , the physio is by phone and over the internet and I have to say how I,m doing with each exercise everyday , so there is no getting away with it .

So I,ve only been pottering about doing light garden jobs really .Which is very frustrating when I usually am very busy at this time in the Autumn .
 It was very hard work planting out my Garlic sets yesterday .
  See the picture above . I normally would have weeded out the grass and brambles that are growing around my African Keyhole Vegetable Bed , but pulling hurts , so I just weeded half of this bed and got the garlic in the ground .The other half of this bed I am covering with cardboard and all the spent compost from the tomato and cucumber tubs .I think I will just just keep that side covered from now on through the winter months .

We had torrential rain over night and  this morning .I dashed out to check on my newly planted Garlic sets .I thought they might have been washed away , but all is well . They've had a good watering in !

We had some of the Carrots that I am growing in this bed , they were both sweetly fragrant and delicious . 
Leeks and Onions doing well . I have a perennial Celery plant that my friend gave me in this bed , only small at the moment but looking happy enough and enjoying all this rain !

A medley of veggies under the netting . I have begun pulling some of the biggest Leeks . Ouch !
 Lots of different brassicas in here too . I have sown more cabbages up in the solar  shed .

In the shed I,m growing succession after succession of Winter Lettuces .
 I am also growing Lettuces ,Pak Choi,Coriander, Dill and spring Onions in the Veg Trug outside  . I have covered that with environmesh now , just to shelter them a little bit from the gales .I did take a picture of that but it was very blurred .....oh you want to see it ? ........ oh here you are then  ! ....

..............complete with planks of wood and bricks to hold it all down with and a plastic sheet wedged up at the end to protect it from the wind . You get the idea ! lol !
  I have a beautiful Strawberry plant in here too , which I,m hoping will put out runners so then I will have even more Strawberry plants :) ..but right now the other salad plants are doing really well and giving us a good variety of leaves for our salads and sandwiches .

                     Winter lettuces and good old reliable Greyhound Cabbages .

Every time I walk up to the greenhouse , I see the Buzzards resting /sheltering on the ground in the meadow . I try to remember to take my camera with me and walk very quietly ....but there is always something that I forget ....such as not wearing a bright red cagoule might help ! 
 I see Buzzard . Buzzard sees me . I take blurred photo as he flies off , turns to take picture of other two ......and they,ve gone too ! 
 Also I need to change over to my new camera , as this one is dying on me now ! New camera is waiting in the wings ! Keep forgetting to do it !

Our daily walk , along the cliffs of Mullion , is becoming colder and windier now . We will probably find somewhere a bit more sheltered inland to walk through the Winter months .

We saw the Choughs again the other evening , but it was getting dark as the sun was setting , so not a brilliant picture of them this time .

                                  The next storm coming in over Lands End .

                                       Always a beautiful sunset here .

       Wishing you all well , take care and stay safe . Go and have your Flu jab !