Sunday 20 March 2022

Resting up for a few days .


I'm resting up for a few days. I wrenched my neck while kneeling down and scrabbling about simply planting the onion sets . My back and my knees aren't too happy either  .

The last thing I did up in the vegetable garden was to pull out this old cold frame  . I'm not sure what I'm going to grow in it yet ,but I do want to make better use of it .  

 I got a letter in the post from my brother . The kind of letter I get excited about when I shake it and it rattles . Yes ! A lovely packet of mixed flower seeds ....ones that butterflies especially love .
 I am delighted ! These will really brighten up a corner of the garden .
That really cheered me up ! 

That's all for now , even sitting here typing away is making my neck hurt .
 Back soon !  

1 comment:

  1. We're recovering and now it's your turn. I'll take extra care when we plant our onions.
