Tuesday, 11 February 2025

๐ŸŽ๐ŸŒฟHorseradish ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŽ

Husband loves Horseradish .

So I thought I really ought to have a small patch of it growing in my garden .

I  found someone selling it on Ebay . Put in my order and today here it is . My favourite kind of parcel !

                           Just look at those gorgeous roots ! 

                        Gorgeous roots and some sturdy looking shoots !

I got them potted up straight away and then into the greenhouse .

               ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŽNow what I need is a good Horseradish Sauce recipe ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŽ

We are having coldish weather this week . So I think I'll just bring them on for a bit in here and put them out when they've got their roots down and when I can see some signs of growth .

I gave them a little water , not too much .

Also gave a drop of water to the Geranium Maderense plants . I am so glad that I held back a few in the shelter of the greenhouse .The ones I planted out , firstly got nibbled by the bunnies and then were finished off by those angry scorching gales of Storm Eowyn .

I need to replant my Lavender plants for the same reason . They really did not enjoy all the recent storms .

When I plant these out , this time , I will surround the bed with chicken wire .


                       Veltheimia bracteata has two flower spires coming !     

It is the first time in a very long time that I have done anything in the greenhouse .

I took a look around . All the Epiphyllums look very dry , but that's o.k. They will be fine for a little bit longer . 

Dioscorea elephantipes - the Elephant's Foot plant has sprung into life . I gave them each a little drop of water . 

That's a Euphorbia cactus thing growing in with it . Shouldn't be in with it really ! They were just some pieces that had dropped off of the mother plant and I had just laid them there for the time being .

Forgotten and now they have taken root . 

Maybe I will start bringing all the plants back into the greenhouse .

Just a few at a time .... maybe .... slowly bring the love back in  .


Monday, 10 February 2025

๐ŸŒฟMeanwhile up in the Shed - ๐ŸŒฑ๐ŸŒฑ๐Ÿ…


Pricked out and potted on 8 Cocktail Crush Tomato F1 seedlings . Only eight seeds in the packet !

12 Roma VF seedlings - a very generous seed packet , which I accidently dropped and ended up sowing far more than I need ! 


Saturday, 8 February 2025

Spring Restore Labyrinth

 I spent most of yesterday restoring the labyrinth ,which always needs a good ol' tidy up in the Spring . 

We've had so much rain and the ground too wet to cut the grass , but I managed to give the labyrinth it's first cut of the year yesterday morning . The lawn mower stopping and spluttering as I went around !

These precious grass clippings were cast onto the two vegetable beds that are covered with the Autumn leaves , shredded cardboard and seaweed . ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚๐ŸชฑMy good earthworms will , this process  into lovely crumbly compost for me . ๐Ÿชฑ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐ŸŒฟ

Next I went about kneeling on a cushion , pulling out weeds and grass that in some places completely covered rocks . 

I have more of this still to do .

I haven't put rocks all around the labyrinth  , just in a few strategic places that mark the formula . This helps me to keep the whole thing in shape .

Next job is to rake the dead grass / thatch out of the pathway walls . A little bit as and when I feel strong enough to do it . This raking out of the thatch job makes my back ache . So little and often is the way to go .

As you can see we had a visit from Jack  Frost this morning . ❄️ Only the second frost of the Winter here , we rarely get frost . I am always delighted to see it ! 

                                   It makes everything look so beautiful .


Thursday, 6 February 2025

Meanwhile on the Windowsill


We have a race going on !  Roma vf are the first up as to be expected from such a brute of a tomato plant !

Cocktail Crush coming in second .

..and my old and usually very reliable Alicante ....last . Maybe because it was an old seed  packet , although only from last year . Tomato seeds can last quite a long time . Usually  ๐Ÿค”

I am going to re-sow Alicante with a fresh packet of seeds .

I still need to prick out and pot on the Sweet Peppers and use that pan to sow my Cucumbers . Aagh ...I'm already getting that "feeling I'm behind " feeling ! 

But of course there is still plenty of time  .

I now have four each of the Passiflora mollissima and Passiflora manicata . Very happy ! We have a cold week ahead ,so I will prick these out and pot them up when this little cold spell has passed . 

Once they are potted up , they will grow really fast . I will get these into the greenhouse . I have not grown Passiflora manicata (the red flowering one) before , this one will stay in the greenhouse . I will let it scrabble through the Tomato and Cucumber plants .  ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿฅ’๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ…

Passiflora mollissima ( the pink flowering one ) will eventually be grown outside , in a warm and sheltered position .... It is a beauty ! 

I am trying to get my mind back into loving the new leaking greenhouse ...sigh ....

I am going to get my lovely driftwood pieces back in there very soon . I've ordered some special wood stuff from Amazon , to spray on to them to make them look even more gorgeous .

Doing my bit for the wild birds . I scrubbed out my bird feeders .

I was going to scrub out the bird bath , but couldn't find the brush .Will look for it later on .

As clean as best that I could do and given a refill .

Everybody happy again .

                        Except this little chap . "What ! No peanuts !" 

  I can't afford to buy them every time I go shopping ...almost £4.00 for a little bag now !


This morning I raked over veg beds which I had covered with leaves and grass clippings and cardboard shredding's over winter and the earth is looking lovely underneath . I pulled up a couple of big fat leeks for lunch or maybe soup .

I am tired and aching a little bit after gardening operations yesterday . So that is all I'm doing out there for today . I watched from the landing window,  my husband doing a great job of cutting the grass this morning .  Can't cut it too low as it has been so wet .( I really need to do the labyrinth )  He brought in more fire wood for the cold week ahead and he's tidying the garage too . ( about time !)

We'll go for our walk later , maybe over at Marazion today would be nice .Might pop into the Range .
Anyway ....
I'm now going to think about lunch . Then put my feet up and do my embroidery .

                             What are you up to today ?  ☀️๐ŸŒค️☀️

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Whirlwind of Activity


                    Pruned my favourite Russet Apple tree . 

There is still just one more branch to be taken off , but I am waiting for my new folding saw to come . Should be here tomorrow . Also need to clear some of the grass from around the bottom and give it a woodchip mulch .

I think we'll have a bonfire tomorrow . Although I might cut some of this up for kindling .

 I have been planting lots of my home grown saplings here - my Jane Goodall mini forest . This corner of the garden needs quite a lot of attention . There is a  large area into which bindweed has crept in and become quite a nuisance .

 I am completely covering that area in the hope of getting rid of it . No idea how long it will take , but for this year I am growing potatoes in tubs on top of it .

And I am making a pathway through the trees and potato tubs , so that I can get in to cut the hedge at the back .

While I had the loppers out , I coppiced out a few branches of my Hazel bushes that were brushing the car every time my husband drove the car past .

 Our tree surgeon coppiced these bushes last year . These Hazel rods will be the perfect size for bean poles next year .This year I will be using bamboo canes again .

These bushes give delicious Hazelnuts .

                  Then I climbed in and dealt with this !

Took out the last leeks from this bed . There are some much larger ones still to be pulled from the "Key-hole bed " which also needs to be cleared now . These will be sliced and bagged up and put into leek and potato soup and the rest into the freezer .

I wasn't going to grow from Onion sets this year and I am growing a large variety "Globo" from seed in the shed , but then I came across these very reasonably priced ones in Sainsbury's and couldn't resist  .

80 mixed Onion sets for £2.00 

So this really spurred me on to get this bed cleared, weeded , planted up and covered with grids to keep the birdies from pulling them out . If we get a frost warning, then I will have a sheet of fleece to throw over them all . 

Took some time out to stretch out my back and admire these lovely Snowdrops .

Put everything away .

Drink water .

Feel glad to have done a few things out in the garden today . 

Oh boy ! I'm aching !


Monday, 3 February 2025

Wild Snowdrops ๐Ÿค


The Snowdrops are coming .

                        The wild ones on our Cornish hedges . Go out and see !

   To acquire knowledge , one must study ; but to acquire wisdom , one must observe  . 


Saturday, 1 February 2025

๐Ÿ…Sowing my Tomato Seeds today ๐Ÿ…- Cornwall ๐ŸŒฟ

 Got up extra early to get my Tomato seeds sown . Our grandchildren were coming over to spend the day with us a bit later on and I really need to concentrate when I'm sowing seeds .

 I have also sown my leeks and a packet of beautiful white poppy seeds that my brother sent for me .

The Tomatoes have now joined the Sweet Peppers and Passion flowers on the propagator on my bedroom windowsill .

I wanted to sow my cucumbers but I seem to be one pan down , can't find it anywhere ! I will be pricking out and potting up the Sweet Peppers very soon so can use that pan and keep looking for the other one . Hopefully tomorrow .

Then just as I finished , the children arrived ....both wanting to do jobs to earn some pocket money !

                  My older one painted the shed and did a very good job of it I thought . 

 My younger one  thoroughly enjoyed  helping me make a chocolate cake .

              ๐ŸคŽ  Insisted on doing it herself  .... mostly ....

                   .....and she is a very good cook ๐ŸคŽ

                                                    Wow !  ๐ŸคŽ Yummy !
                          We did have fun of the most chocolatey kind !

                                           ...... and  I love washing up !  ๐Ÿคฃ


Friday, 31 January 2025

Weeding again ! ☀️๐ŸŒฟ


                                       Aaah ...at last the sun has returned .

So much I want to do in the garden . It is very squelchy slippery underfoot . I decided to make a start and just do one small area .This little bed  was choked  with Ivy and three Sloe and a Sycamore sapling .  I still need to do some more work to get the Sycamore out .

I pruned the Cornus alba siberica  back down to about two or three inches .I want lots more of these lovely red stems which we enjoy through the winter .

I left a couple of the ones at the back , to enjoy for a  bit longer .

I may plant these out somewhere, I have bundled them up on the Summer house deck , for the time being while I have a think about it .

Those are some of my Agave babies and cacti sheltering from the winter weather on the table inside . I am longing to put them all back into the greenhouse . . . but the greenhouse is no longer my happy place  , with it's leaking roof and the bad atmosphere that the greenhouse builder men have left up there .  Nothing more is going to be done about it now . Husband gets angry . I have to make the best of it ..at the moment it makes me feel ill .

I will begin to try and take my plants back up there soon and make it a happy a place again .

We are having a new fence and gate built up there , which I went up to see this morning  . Gave my heart such a lift ! I didn't expect anything so smart !  

We occasionally have visiting deer , which I love to see , but don't really want getting into the vegetable garden . 

Anyway , I pulled out lots of Ivy , revealing  Hellebores and Primroses underneath ....

.....and this .  A seedling Phoenix Canariensis which has somehow found it's way there . Maybe brought in by a squirrel from my giant palm up in the vegetable garden . I'm delighted , but it can't stay there !

So all it needs now is a nice mulch of woodchip . 

 Mission complete .... well almost ....I still need to do a bit more tidying up around the back .

Tomorrow I will work on the bed on the other side of the Summer house steps .

Sweet pea update -

I sowed these in November . I wrapped up the tub as you can see with fleece .They are tough little things as far as the cold goes , they can take the cold , but their stems can snap in the severe gales that we often get here .So the fleece wrapping is a good idea .

However this past week we have had wave after wave of big named storms . Storm Eowyn actually blew this big heavy tub over onto it's side ! Twice ! I need to have a peek inside . 

Hmm...a little bit bashed about but not too bad . I will pinch them out a little bit , which will make them bush out and grow even stronger  . 

This will give me lovely early Sweet peas and when they finish I will be growing Black Eye Suzie's again ....because my mum loves them and I have the seeds of the ones I saved from the ones I grew last year just waiting in the wings . 

But they can wait .... because tomorrow... is the day ....I sow my Tomato seeds ! 

                                       ๐ŸŒฟ  Happy gardening all ! ๐ŸŒฟ
