Sunday 1 May 2022

The Runner bean Frame 2022 - part two

 Well I went back out and got the Runner bean frame finished . It has taken me nearly all day ! Well it feels like I've been doing it all day anyway  .

I pushed in all my remaining , seriously tatty bamboo canes  and tied them all at the top with some really strong string . Somewhere in the shed I have some green wire that is much better for the job , but this'll do for now .

Meanwhile in the shed , we have the first Runner bean germinating !  

Benny the Ancient Retired Travelling Gnome is keeping an eye on all the seedlings .

A second wave of Leeks are germinating .

The Lettuces are coming on nicely and another lot have been sown .

There are cabbages , sprouts, purple sprouting broccoli, beetroots , tomatoes ,courgettes and butternuts , coriander, beans , beans and more beans and it is all so wonderful ! 

Undercover Onions - the reason being -I ran out of chicken wire ,so the bed is dangerously open to bunnykins !   I will sort it out later , but for the time being the onions look happy enough under this floating net . 

                  Lettuce ,spinach and cosmos in the propagator . tired now and it has turned rather chilly . 

1 comment:

  1. We still have the runner bean frames to erect. We are fortunately yo be bunniless here barring the odd escape pet.
