Sunday 29 May 2022

Slow and easy Sunday morning


I didn't feel well as I awoke this morning . I woke up feeling quite tired . I wonder where I,d been in my dreams , it must have been quite an adventure ...but I can't remember  .

I watered everything in the greenhouse and shed  and hung out the washing that I had done overnight .

Then took a wander around the garden . Too hot to do anything . Kernow Weather Team forecast for two or three hours of glorious sunshine ,then clouding over and then for hit and miss rain showers which could be heavy and contain hail later . 

  I hope that I can get my washing dry , but if it does rain , then that too will be good , as the garden is so dry right now .

My favourite tiny species and very rare Lathyrus belinensis  is flowering . This one is such a little beauty .

Of all the Sweetpeas this is my favourite .

All the Roses are beginning to bloom now too . It is so hot again this morning . 

Up in the vegetable garden , the courgettes are a coming .

The bunnykins have had a feast on this row of onions . They were the spare left over ones that I just stuck in to have as spring onions .
All the rest of the onion sets are safe under environmesh .

I lift up the environmesh to to reveal blue Speedwell busily taking over .

The tiny delicate flowers are quite enchanting though and I lay down to take a closer look at them .

So I enjoyed them and then began to clear them  .

Too hot to be doing this . I need to get this bed surrounded with chicken wire to keep my bunny friends out .

So I did what I could then pulled the mesh back over them and lay back down under the palm tree .

This Phoenix  canariensis is quite old now and  the trunk is "going up".

 Where I have cut old leaves off , there are little pockets where plants are finding their way in , such as this lovely white foxglove from some I grew a couple of  years ago .

I was thinking of filling some of these pockets with Sempervivums and other such things ...

......but I have held back from doing so after discovering a Robin has made her nest in there !

I lay back and looked up to the blue sky through the branches .

So tall , lush and green .

I have cut off the sharp spines at the base of the lowest leaves , to protect our grandchildren from hurting themselves on them ( and me ) .

Through the leaves I watch a buzzard circling around far up high in the blue sky . 

Feeling sleepy .

Then I spotted this ....

Oh ! My Goodness !  Jumps up grabbing camera !

Then my husband yelling " Look up !  Behind you ! " 

Oh ! My goodness me , another one ,  right over my head being chased off by our Raven . Husband yelling "Quickly !"

We haven't seen a Kite for a couple of years now , although there are said to be several pairs over at Predannack .

They circled around for a while , very interested in our Raven's nest up in our pine tree , but she saw them off ! 

I lay back down again and had another little doze under the palm tree .

Not for long though , as I get heat stroke very easily .

I needn't have worried about that though !

Kernow Weather Team were spot on with today's weather forecast . Thankyou Kernow Weather Team !

I quickly brought the washing in , all dry , happy me .

I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday too  x

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats a lazy Sunday, your garden is looking good.
