Tuesday 17 May 2022

The one where I go out to plant a Rosemary hedge ....


Do you remember the teeny weeny Rosemary plug plants that I bought last Autumn . They died !

So , I spent a little bit more this time ( not too much more though ) on three more from Tescos . Also bought a couple of Lavenders to replace the ancient one that I had to take out recently .

Last year , I had wanted to make a Rosemary hedge , but for some reason it wasn't going to happen and I decided to put down some weed membrane and paving slabs temporarily . I think it was because I couldn't find any more Rosemary plants to replace the ones that had died . Yes, that was it  and I was so cross with myself for not buying better quality plants in the first place . 

I was delighted to find these healthy looking Rosemary plants in our supermarket  and the Lavender was from Trevena Cross Nursery Breage .

So today we are expecting proper rain and I thought it would be good to plant them out , which meant I had to take up the paving slabs and weed membrane .

So then I had to think about where I was going to put them ...the paving slabs, that is .

It doesn't matter what I go to do in the garden , there is always something else that has to be done first !

Over the last five years or so , I have been experimenting with the African idea of a Keyhole vegetable bed . As you can see here , it has been quite successful for me . Click to enlarge the picture .

Here it is again without so many plants in it so you can see it has a large plastic tub/well for watering into ,in the centre  and the sticks are for the option of placing a sort of woven shade like a sun hat to stop the water from evaporating from the well , and this is the most important thing, they help to conserve water ...especially in drought situations . Chicken wire around to keep out the wild animals ..in my case bunnykins out and a simple path/steps where I can step in to weed , plant and water .  

Mine is raised and slopes to face South ...there are so many benefits .

The pathway is what gives it the look of a keyhole .Some folk build them to be far more elaborate than mine . They can be built with rocks  ,bricks and cement several feet high if you like .

You build your Key-hole vegetable bed to suit your needs . There are lots to see on line now . More and more people are trying trying this  . 

This was one I did another year . I fixed up pig-wire for beans and squash to scrabble over .

Anyway ! ... Over Winter while I wasn't watching , husband started having bonfires on it and he took my plastic sheet to use to put his logs on and so I didn't get to cover the bed over to stop the weeds . In fact I totally forgot about it or I might have used cardboard .

So now I have a lot of digging to do  and where has the plastic bucket /well in the middle gone ?

I got on with it and as I am digging out the clumps of grass and weeds I thought to myself that the steps would be better on the North side of the bed and I am going to use those paving slabs . It will probably just be a simple pathway this time . 

Then it began to rain  , not that I mind working in the rain , I just did not want my camera to get too wet . I made a good start and need a cuppa tea now anyway .

So now it is about 1.30pm , we,ve had lunch and it is pouring with rain . Proper rain ! Not mizzle . The water-but will be refilled ..I am so happy !   Aching , but happy .

Maybe get back to it later on .....maybe not .....

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