Sunday 17 July 2022

Heatwave continues 78 degrees F

 Hot hot hot 78 degrees F  and rising . I picked a lovely bowlful of courgettes early this morning . I normally like to pick them when they are larger , more to fill our tummies rather than smaller , but today I am picking all of them big and small , because I think if I leave them on they will just cook where they are growing in this heat .

Very happy to have plenty for us and also to take over to my daughter .

So I'm walking around reaching in over the chicken-wire to cut the courgettes ,when I caught sight of this !

What ?!!!   It's a rabbit burrow !  I think . 

Then had a falling out with my husband who wanted to just fill it in ! 

How could anyone be so cruel ! There might be a little rabbit still in there or a big fat toad  , they also dig in to the earth to keep themselves cool .

I peered in as best I could but couldn't see anyone . I didn't want to put my hand in there in case there was a big spider or some other creature .

So I very tentatively  pushed a bamboo cane in ..... nothing came running out to bite me , thank God ! 

Yep it's a dead end tunnel , I'm quite sure of it . So where has  "it" gone ? The courgette and sweetcorn bed is surrounded with chicken -wire . I am going to have to check it all around .

Strange that it didn't eat anything and I am very glad of that !  

I will fill it in , but not just yet . It's too hot . 

I put Mr Slithery to keep a look out for trouble .

I think this is what my husband had in mind !

I,d never harm any creature , we should live in harmony with our beautiful wild animals .

Wow it is so hot here . If we are still friends , then we might go for a walk along the cliffs later on .

Have a beautiful Sunday my lovelies ! Take care in this heatwave  💛


  1. Update - Mullion 5pm - temperature is 80 degrees F

  2. It hit 30C here yesterday and is predicted to be around 40C today. At the moment (nearly 7:00 am) it is lovely and fresh - such a shame it won't stay lovely and fresh though. xx

    1. Yes , there was a slight breeze yesterday , but the sun does not like me at all so I keep myself in the shade . It is fiercely hot outside at the moment 3pm I just popped out to hang some washing on the line . I'm afraid I really can't take that kind of heat . You take care now too ! 🌞x

  3. I'm intrigued now as to what dug the hole.

    1. Hi there Sue , I think it was most likely to have been a baby bunny ,there are lots of them about at the moment 🐇
