So I'd been thinking about them all night . I need to go and investigate and see if they are ready .
Despite doing my rain dance , we only had a little bit of Cornish mizzle here this morning . Did you get any rain ? I'll try again later on .
So the ground is still very dry , but I'll get my trusty old garden fork in there and see what we can find .
If you remember , I found a small bag of potatoes in the reduced counter at the supermarket for 20p .
I hadn't planned to grow potatoes this year , but thought I'd throw them into this spare little corner .
I have pretty much forgotten about them . I only earthed them up one time with earth and second time with grass clippings . I didn't water them much either , because of the stupid falling apart hose situation and it was a long way to carry the watering can and I needed to prioritise the precious water for all the other more important vegetables .
We don't eat a lot of white potatoes , I prefer Sweet potatoes , but just occasionally a few hot buttery little potatoes with some garden mint and salad is nice .
These are from just two plants , that is just two of the bargain reduced to 20p potatoes . So if all of them produce this many potatoes , I think we have done well .
At this point I became of aware of wasps , lots of them (screams) flying out of this nearby tree stump !
Look at the size of that hole at the base of the tree stump !
I realise that I am standing right in their flight path in a skirt and a sweet heady perfume . My camera couldn't focus in on them they are flying out so fast .
So , that's all for today folk ! I'll come back and dig up the others over the next couple of weeks and when the wasps are not so active .