Monday 13 June 2022

Secret Garden - Weeding Frenzy-part two


                              Made a good start .

Still quite a lot to come . I can't do anymore today as it is now too hot for me . Time to put my feet up again . 

We're going on a picnic later on . We try to go on a picnic every day . Well , why not  ? !  ☀🦋🐝💚

I used to have a seat in there .It was somewhere nice and cool to sit and read a book  . 

There used to be a bird bath in there . I must see if I can find it again and top it up with water for the birds .

Also the little pond that I made with my grandson , the day we found  a frog . It should still be in here somewhere . The pond , not the frog ......although maybe the frog is still in there somewhere . You never know !

We can have fun making a new , bigger and better one next time the children come round . This time we will have his little sister to help .

                    Brilliant fun and happy memories !

1 comment:

  1. Picnics - why not indeed. The food tastes so much better eaten outside. xx
