Sunday 5 June 2022

Meanwhile in the Greenhouse


The Epiphyllum at the back of the greenhouse is half way open this morning .

I'm not sure if I may have missed the fully open flower while I was feeling too poorly yesterday to go and open up the greenhouse or if the bud is just beginning to open  .

I will go and check again later on . Hope I didn't miss it .

Thank-goodness it was a cool and cloudy day yesterday or I might have lost everything . 

This one has fully opened too ! 

Epiphyllum var "Curt Backeberg" .

The colours of E. Curt Backeberg are usually much better than this after a cold Winter . Still lovely though and has the fragrance of watermelon .


  1. I'm sorry you are feeling rough. Get well soon. xx

  2. They are spectacular. We once had a red one - the only trouble was that it dripped nectar on the windowsill.

    1. They are becoming quite hard to find. Rarely see Epiphyllums at the garden centre .
