Thursday 25 April 2024



                              I got the Cucumbers into their final pot/bags . 

While doing this I twisted my back awkwardly and am now in quite a lot of pain  . I think that I will have to take a little break from jobs in the garden for a little while , until it eases .

I carried out a huge load of washing in the laundry basket , hung it all out , then had to bring it all in again as it began to spit with rain .

 Then I carried it all upstairs to go on the clothes airer in the bathroom .

I also still have a very painful sore throat . It is not fair ! I have so much to do right now ! 

I think rain is forecast again tomorrow , not that rain or sore throats ever stopped me , but when my back hurts well , that is another matter and I think tomorrow will have to be a resting up day .

I made colcannon today for lunch ,. This is a lovely Irish version of mashed potatoes that has shredded cabbage and spring onions mashed in with loads of butter and milk , sausages and peas . I made enough to have it again tomorrow . Delicious , heart warming comfort food for a cold rainy day .

Maybe I'll sow the Runner beans .... I think I could manage to do that tomorrow .  I will sow the French beans next week , followed by sweetcorn . 

 Then try and rest up over the weekend  .

Meanwhile , my clever husband finally got bonfire number one going and cleared the lot !

So now I can really get this part of the garden looking nice and I have plans !

                           I hope the weather is beginning to warm up for you .



  1. Having a weak back is a pain in more places then your back, as you say just a silly twist will set mine off as well, I can lug compost bags around, but twist slightly to pick up an empty pot and bam. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. I think it's probably good to have a rest day now and then although easier said than done when you're a gardener as there is always something needs doing.
