Lots of Swallows gathering here this morning .
They are everywhere it seems , making their cheerful noise .
In the blue sky overhead ...it's a beautiful sunny warm morning ....with a refreshing breeze .
I wonder what the signal is for them to leave ?
And what of their tails ?.....Well , that is a male Swallow with his beautiful long tail streamers .
...and that one is a female without the streamers .
I could watch them all day , but I have things to do . I like to make a note of when they leave .
Very soon I think . I hope the weather will be kind to them on their long journey .
Then we'll go beach-combing ..see you later !
It can be fun watching the birds. Your fresh veggies look fine and delicious. I used to belong to a community garden and planted all kinds of veggies for two years then we moved. This town is in the first stages of creating one here which would be great. Have a wonderful weekend.