Friday 13 September 2024

๐Ÿ’›Opuntia bud update - opening ๐Ÿ’›


After a chilly night the sun came up and this is at 2pm .There was heavy dew on the grass in the meadow but no frost . 

I wonder if it will open up any further ? I'll give another update later on .

                    I picked another lot of tomatoes ....very happy me !
Plenty of tomatoes this year and this Roma variety pleased me very much . I will be growing this variety again next year .

I have begun to clear out all of the tomato plants now , hanging up the green ones on a line to ripen up a bit more before bringing them in .
I just have one plant left in it's pot as I am hoping the tomatoes on it will fatten up a bit more .
 All the spent compost will go on the Butternut Squash bed .
 I have to clear it out because the men are coming back to fix the leaking ,badly fitting top window . 
I have to bring in all the cacti collection and rearrange them with our fossils and stones . There is one very precious stone which has gone missing . It is an ancient loom weight and means a lot to me . 

Anyway , yes , I am delighted with the harvest of tomatoes ,cucumbers and the sweet peppers .
It won't be long before we are starting all over again . 

In the veg trug the Winter Density Lettuces are doing o.k.......a couple have disappeared .
 I took up my husband's garlic , they are just one clove as they were planted way too close together , but still useable and smell delicious !

The lettuces in the shed are doing better and are bigger . I must remember to sow more .The cabbages are also going o.k in the safety of the shed .๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ›๐Ÿชฒ

I need to tidy them all up a bit , take off the withered leaves and give them all a good rain water drink .
Does anyone else grow their cabbages in the shed ? lol ! Or is it just me ? ๐Ÿชฒ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ›
                                  Safe !               Safe in the shed ! 

                              Dasylirion , Aeonium and a huge Pregnant Onion .
Soon  , very soon , it will be time to move my less hardy plants into their shelter zones .The bananas have got to be taken up and put into a couple of big tubs with fresh compost to over winter in the wood store ....but not today . Feeling a little poorly . My daughter  has been decorating my bedroom and the smell of the paint has made me feel a bit sick . I have put bowls of Bicarbonate of soda around the room , I've been told it absorbs the fumes somehow . No idea how long this takes . 

Things to be done - find the big cloches to go over the Agaves and cut some big branches to go over this one as it is now too big for the cloche .
Get compost in for the Banana plants .
Order the Outside Tap covers .
Sow some more Lettuce seeds.
Pick and nosh the remaining Sweetcorn .
Pray over the Butternuts Squashes ----grow ---grow -----grow ! (looking pathetic right now ) but there's still time . They have until the end of October .
Clear the weeds out of the drive .
Take down the Runner-Bean/ French Bean Frames and put away all the bamboo canes into the shed .
Cut the Hazel branches that are rubbing against the garage roof tiles .Store for next years pea sticks and bean poles . 
Harvest my apples ...make Apple Cake .
Order seed catalogues - plan for next year .
Indoor Hyacinth Bulbs
 Purchase Sweet Pea seeds to sow in November - done !
The list is endless !
 Today's weather - ๐ŸŒค️                                 

                                  ๐ŸŒฟ  Make it a great weekend all ! ๐ŸŒฟ

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