Saturday 7 September 2024

Beach combing - Marazion


There is nothing like beach combing to take away all your worries and re-set the brain .

I always start off looking for nice fossils and stones . No fossils here , but Marazion is known for all the different and lovely semi precious stones that get washed up here .

but then I find myself drawn to all the beautiful sea weeds that have been thrown up onto the beach .

                     Look at those tiny white shells !

Never seen one like this before ! Look at that ! Beautiful !

Bladder wrack .....the only one I know the name of ! 

๐ŸŒฟI really must get myself a really ,seriously good U.K. botanical sea -weed identification book . Any recommendations ? ๐ŸŒฟ

Return to stone treasure hunting .....

                                     Pockets full of stones !

                              My favourite ! ๐Ÿ’š  This one came home with me !         

               All cares and worries gone !  Brain fully re-set !   lol !


P.S.  The swallows are still here ! Not gone yet .

1 comment:

  1. We had swallows gathering on the wires this week - not sure whether they have gone.
