Friday 28 June 2024

🥬Saving my Cavolo Nero Kale from Pigeons


So I pushed the ends of this blue plastic water pipe deep into the earth . Delighted to find that it just pushed in nice and easily and I tied the crossover points with string and t'was done ! 

It is holding up and better supporting that green mesh .

I think this is going to work ! I think this might just keep the pigeons off  !

Keeping my fingers crossed that this will work .  

Building a cage with chicken-wire nicely stapled on with hinges so it can be raised on one side or using wooden doweling to put in the pipes to fix into wooden boards and using a drill to screw in nails to go around the edges ............ is all way beyond me !

   Very pleased that this worked ! 

I might even have a go at building a yurt , what do you think ?    

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