Monday 17 June 2024

.....and then there were three ! - Polecat adventures continued 🦦


I am quite a long way back with my camera , hiding behind the rockery wall . There are three Polecats in there frolicking in a sheet of weed membrane . They are loving it and  having so much fun rolling around and playing in and under it !

We are presently working on this little area of the garden  . The chicken wire is what I temporarily fixed up around our Dahlias on the left and on the right is the gravelled area , which needs tidying up and refreshing with new gravel . 

 So the weed membrane , there it lies , in a heap , waiting for me to summon up the energy to get on with it ! 

Unfortunately there is a problem on Blogspot at the moment and I can't enlarge my photos for you . I have reported it and hope they'll fix it soon . Meanwhile you can click on my pictures to enlarge them a little bit ........but not as much as I'd like .

I counted three , but there might have been four , they were moving so fast it was hard to count them .

There was even a bit of mating going on !

I took many photos , from behind the rockery bank . I will try and take a chance and sneak up closer next time for a better photo .

 I  just wanted to sit and enjoy watching their cheeky antics . 

I don't know where I thought Polecats lived , never really thought about it , Scotland maybe ?  I certainly didn't think they could be found here on the Lizard in Cornwall . In my back garden !

                              The rabbits had better watch out !  🐰🐰🐰



  1. I clicked on your photo's and they came up large, hopefully the problem is sorted.

    1. Thankyou , nope , it's something going on with the editing . Glad you can still see my pictures anyway . 💐x
