Wednesday 5 June 2024

French climbing beans -Blue Lake -planted out 🌿🌿🌿


  Rise and shine ! Up early and got them planted out .

                               These are a reliable variety for me  Blue Lake .


Over on the other bean frame are the Scarlet Emperor Runner beans and in the bed in the foreground are the "no sign of parsnips" 😟 , Red onions doing very well 😃,Leeks doing very well😃  a few "could do better carrots "🤔 pathetic spring onions 🤨and a whole lot of weeds 🙄 .

Scarlet Emperor Runner beans starting to get away now . I hope this frame will be strong enough to support the weight of the beans . I couldn't afford to buy any more bamboo canes to put on the other side . I am on a mission to find some nice straight branches that I could use . 

Note to self - Don't use willow - it will take root and be a devil to dig out at the end of the season . 

                            Spinach waiting to be planted out .

               Under cover Cavolo Nero Kale - starting to look proper sexy  ! 

I planted out  my celery babies in front of the Runner beans and have sown a mixed variety of Calendula seeds around and about them all to attract the bees . The resident toad is also in there somewhere 🐸 .

I gave everything a drink as there is no sign of rain still .  Not much sun either   🌤️

                           🌻 Hope all is growing well in your garden 🌻


  1. It all looks wonderfully productive and natural. A good tip about willow, thanks. xx

    1. I used willow one year and at the end of the season it had rooted and was very hard work to dig out ! 😱

  2. Looking good. Having planted a willow tunnel at the school garden I concur with your warning about it!
