Thursday 6 June 2024

Dwarf French Beans -slenderette +safari


I planted out the Dwarf French Beans Slenderette and safari either side of the Climbing French Beans Blue Lake . I might try and  find some twiggy sticks to support them a little bit , at least keep the beans off the ground .  

I managed to get Ricardo to plant the remaining lot of Dwarf beans -slenderette into the veg-trug . It is not filled up to the top because we intend to move it when the new fence and gate is done .  I have a feeling that these Dwarf French beans will do better in this veg -trug and at the moment they are sheltered from the annoying northerly breeze .

He has also put some into a couple of tubs with Dahlias . ...I just hope he remembers to water them as I have enough to do ! 

I spent hours this morning trying to get out the old rotary washing line hole thing . I fixed up a temporary line , but I am not happy .

It was run over by a lunatic on a ride on lawn mower . The new one has arrived and I want to hang the washing out while the weather is dry and sunny .

Anyway , while I was sitting there ,feeling cross and trying to cut the weed membrane with blunt scissors , I found this fossil seed ...some sort of pine nut seed I think .

Difficult to photograph but it is lovely and smooth . No idea what time period it's from . It was in the gravel that we had delivered and I don't know from where it has been quarried .

 Anyway cheered me up ....and actually made my day !  

Another of my rose cuttings is delighting us with it's blooms .

I think this might be Rosa moyesii . This cutting was kindly given to me by one of the lady gardeners at Godolphin Manor a couple of years ago . I am thrilled to bits with it !

                                          Voodoo Lily -variety ...long forgotten sorry .

Another of my favourite plants is blooming's one of my more weird and wonderful plants .

... and the day just got even better !   Yay ! He fix it up ! I am the happiest launderess in the village !

 Crafting news -  Youtube K3n Wonky Wednesday - Heart Log Cabin .

 Can't do it !  I did try really hard last evening .....I really couldn't get my brains around that one . 

 It does sort of resemble a heart doesn't it ?      It was late ..I was very tired ......   stop laughing ! 🤣


  1. What method do you use for taking rose cuttings? I have been planting dwarf beans too and watching the wind batter them.

    1. Hi Sue , as I explained in my last post , I don't really have a "method" . More of a "way" really 🙂 I have best success taking non flowering shoots during the rainy old Autumn . I pull off the lower leaves and just stick them in any of my tubs outside and forget about them over Winter . Sometimes, if I have it to hand ,then I might use a little hormone rooting powder , but most often I don't bother .
      My mother's way , was to stick the cuttings in deep pots of damp sand , also over Winter .
      Yes , I wish that North wind would stop now too !
