Monday 24 June 2024

🌿Farewell Sweet Peas and Hello Black-Eyed-Suzies 🌿


So I planted out the Thunbergia alata  Black-Eyed-Suzies into the tub . Maybe I should have put more compost into the pot , but they'll soon get their roots down and wind themselves around the bamboo canes  . It's actually a mixture of the good earth as it comes from my garden and potting compost with some perlite mixed in .

I've read that they can grow six inches in a week , so they should soon fill the pot and frame with a mass of fresh green leaves and lots of lovely black- eyed yellow flowers .

These are a one season thing , so as soon as the frost hits them (not that we ever get much frost ) I will pull them out and sow the next lot of Sweet Peas topping up with a bit more compost . 

💐I will be growing Sweet Pea -Royal Family Mix a nice big packet of 180 seeds for £2.49 from Premier Seeds Direct . 💐

I generally sow my Sweet Peas towards the end of November .....and wrap the tub with fleece . The Sweet Peas will usually be germinating by Christmas Day and this somehow helps to bring Spring a little closer for me and something to look forward to also .


And for my next trick .....
    I re-potted this sadly neglected Pilosocereus azureus into lovely fresh cactus compost (It can't believe it's luck !) The top has gone all grey dry and rotten .....😀
I'm going to cut the top off and hope it will make side shoots ! 🌵



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