Mist in the meadow just before sunrise 5am .
Sunrise 5.14 am and I could stay here and watch the sunrising but need to crack on and do as much as I can before it gets too hot .
I have another two pots of Blue Lake French Climbing Beans to plant out and a lot of weeding to be done .
The leeks are recovering well after having been rabbit nibbled . 🐰🐇🐰
Peas are making an appearance , however I would not be surprised if they get nibbled . Keeping my fingers crossed .🐭🐁🐭
Onions looking better , recovering from slug attack .🐌🐌🐌
No Parsnips . Sowed a whole packet here ....not a single one !
Given up all hope of having parsnips .🤔 Planted out my chives here instead .😃
Took up my Garlic . Very pleased with these and they smell wonderful as I take them up ....mmm.
🌿🌿Planted out another pot of Blue Lake French Climbing Beans here .🌿🌿
..and yet another pot of Blue Lake Climbing Beans here ...need to find some more bamboo canes from somewhere .
Aha !
The Runnerbeans are getting away now .
Climbing and flowers .
The Courgettes are producing well now too . Enough for us and to give some to my daughter . She had a nice bundle of Courgettes and Cucumbers yesterday !
My beautiful Cavolo Nero Kale has been nibbled ...very strange ,I found one of the tent pegs pulled out and lying to one side . Annoyed as they have taken out the tops ,which I 'm told won't then grow anymore . You are supposed to take harvest it by taking the lower leaves . I have ordered another packet of seeds which I will grow on in the shed .I'm also growing my cabbages in the shed and they are looking perfect so far .
I think it might be pigeons landing and pecking it through the green mesh ....I need to work out another way of protecting them .
Oh ! Well ! The sun is up and shining down on the hay meadow . It's going to be another very hot day and I can do no more in such heat ...but pleased to have had two and a half hours to work while it was nice and cool .
☀️ Give everything a good drink . Feeling thirsty myself .☀️
🤍🦋🌿 Time for brekkers ! 🌿🦋🤍