Saturday 18 May 2024

Runner beans and Courgettes planted out 🌿

 I was dithering about planting out the runner beans ....should I wait for the plastic cableties to fix up the beanpoles ? Could be weeks coming from China .....not sure where they are coming from .....and then I found a packet of mixed shoe laces for £1.50 in Tescos . They were perfect for the job and my husband needed some for his shoes , so everybody happy !

So I sorted out and tied up the beanpoles . It is really hot here today . 

I need to get these planted out . I put two at each cane . I started to plant out  the Sweetcorn .Only managed to get three planted as I had to stay focused and get these runnerbeans and the Courgettes"Greenbush"  in .

I have a headache from hanging upside down doing all this planting .

Glad to have got this job done  and one little reward was in finding a small sherd of bronze age pottery .

It's only a very small piece and I didn't take a picture of it .

 I will take a photo of it and put it on next time . Wow !  Gardening with the ancestors ! 

It is so hot here today  , I had been hoping for the odd passing shower to come by . Anyway I gave everything a good drink .

                                And that's all I'm doing today folks !  🐝🐝🐝🐝

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