Sunday 19 May 2024

Geranium maderense 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱


          Just a quick one as the sun is setting , after another very hot day .

The Geranium maderense seeds my brother gave me for my birthday are beginning to germinate !

One first thing this morning 🌱and just now , as the sun is setting .....five !  🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱

                        I am so happy !  

As promised , here's the little sherd of ancient pottery that I found yesterday .

Oh my heart ! This has such the most heavenly fragrance ! Growing on my Cornish hedge .

Lots of roses blooming in my garden at the moment , this old moss rose is one of my favourites . It has grown from a small cutting I took from a rose that I found growing at St Austell railway station many years ago .

                               Hope you've had a lovely weekend  xxx


  1. None of our roses have any fragrance, which is a shame, I do love old style ones.

  2. How do you take your rose cuttings? There seems to be so many different ways. I thought the first shard image was a slice of cheesecake. see how my brain works.
