Thursday 10 October 2024

Meanwhile up in the shed πŸ₯¬πŸ₯¬

  What a night worrying about friends and family out in Florida . Not sure what they will be coming back to , but they all got away and were safe . I guess the big clean up operations will now get under way .

I've been up in the shed this morning , pricking out and potting on more lettuce seedlings .

Picked a nice bowlful of Winter Density Lettuce for lunch .

These teeny tiny lettuce seedlings are more than ready to be pricked out and potted on .

    My second batch of Kale needs to go out now .Also a few P.S.B. and also a few cabbages .

Not happy with this strange compost but it 'll have to do . 

I try not to use too much of it as it is so expensive . I seem to be able to get away with only filling the pots .... hmm... just a little bit over half way . I think with lettuces it is more important to keep them cool and well watered .

Then out into the vegetable garden to pull off the wretched net cover again .

                              Here we go .

I couldn't fit them all in . I'll put some in another bed ...but not today ..I am tired and aching now .
Not just from gardening , but from having had my Flu jab last Saturday and then the Covid jab yesterday . I don't usually get any reaction to them , other than a sore arm . ...but I am really aching ,tired and sneezing today , as if I have a cold coming on . It will pass .
  I'm so glad to have got these vaccines done to give us protection over the coming winter months .

So the job I hate the most when I'm feeling tired , is pulling the net cover over again and rearranging all the bricks around it .... but it has to be done !

    Sunshine and showers today and I think improving over the next couple of days  .

                         Having a restful afternoon πŸπŸƒπŸ‚


  1. I had both jabs last Saturday and for the first time I've had a few issues, it's settling down now, hope you feel better soon.

    1. Having a nice long flop on my bed this afternoon .I hope you also feel better soon πŸ’☀️🐝x
