Monday, 24 March 2025

Bluebells , Cowslips , Kale and putting up the Bean frame 🌿

                                     The Bluebells are on their way !

                    Cowslips in my herb garden ( which needs weeding )

 Harvested the remaining kale .

Washed it , blanched it , removed the midrib .

Dried it as best as I could . Lay it into two roasting tins .

Into the freezer . Overnight . Bag it up in the morning . Back into freezer, ready to cook , whenever I need it .

Enjoyed a simple Chickpea Curry with rice , garlic naans, mango chutney.....twice this week ....second time with potato also thrown in ! Would have taken a pic of it all beautifully presented on a plate , but we were too hungry and ate it before I remembered ! 

Through the kitchen window .  Beautiful Woodpecker .

However , what we are all looking out for is a Hoopoe , which has been seen in several places in and around Helston and Porthleven  over the last two or three days . 

This caused my husband and I to have quite an argument over how it should be pronounced .

He says it should be pronounced .... Hoo pee .

I said it should be pronounced ..... Hoopoh . 

 Moving swiftly on ......

Thinking about Bean frames .

So I spent most of Sunday afternoon transferring a good pile of my lovely compost .....

........onto what will next become the Runner Bean bed .

And hurt my leg whilst digging it in , forking out one or two big weeds and tidying the edges .

I knew I would probably ache after all that , but the cramp I then had during the night and as I woke up was agony !

So today more heavy work . 

I got this years Runner Bean frame put up .

Slight problem with the Phoenix canariensis palm leaves .

I usually take off a couple of these leaves to help decorate my daughter's front door for Flora Day in Helston .💐  It just made me think . Oh my goodness , that is only about five or six weeks away !

I hope Parc Eglos children and teachers are all practising their dancing !💐

                                               Labyrinth in the background .

So there we are , that job is almost done .  Nice and easy to push in the canes while the good earth is still nice and soft .  I haven't tied the canes to the top yet , one or two minor adjustments to be made  . I'm still not totally happy with it .

Next year my Hazel bushes will be ready to cut some really good and tall rods  .  They were recently coppiced and they didn't save me the branches as I had asked . So that's why I'm using bamboo canes which were not only expensive , but the length I wanted would not fit into the car . 

There will be chicken wire fencing all around this bed to keep the bunnykins out .

But I am aching too much and my leg hurts too much to be doing anymore today .

 Oh ..I did sow a tray of Sunflower seeds ....but that's it now for today . 

 The night's are not frosty as we did have last week ,  for which I an very grateful to , for not having to go up to the greenhouse in the dark to light candles and cover over my seedlings .
 I did sow another lot of cucumber seeds . 
The tomato plants are doing fine and will have some spares to give away soon .

Thinking about window boxes and hanging baskets .
 Get some more compost ready !

                         Spring Onion" North Holland Blood Red " and Primroses .

Primroses growing in one of my vegetable beds . I haven't got the heart to move them .

 Weather - Turning milder now . ⛅The winds have eased up . It has been quite dull and overcast , but now the Sun is trying to come out again . ⛅

 Make it a great week .......and hey you .....get some compost in !  



  1. Oh ..and to whom it may concern -- Happy Birthday ! 🎂🥳🎈🎉🍾

  2. Your garden is looking good, I would leave the primroses as well, I have them here in my garden, they remind me of hedgerows back in Somerset.
