Saturday, 1 March 2025

1st March - Greenhouse ,Veg Trug , Potatoes

 Up early to uncover the seedlings in the greenhouse .

I think it is going to be another sunny warm spring day....maybe the odd passing sprinkle of rain drops .

Even the nettles look beautiful covered in frost . 

Jack Frost rarely visits us here , so forgive me , when he does , I get so excited to go out and look at the lovely sparkles close up !

Oh ! This morning's Sunrise was so beautiful ! Let's take a peek o' the onion bed .....

Nice little oniony shoots coming up under the grids . (  to stop the birds pulling them up , thinking the new shoots are worms )

So come on , let's go see , what's going on up in the greenhouse . 

All the seedlings are covered with fleece and sheets of newspapers .
( mmmm- get the incense burner going ✨πŸ•Š️✨πŸ’›)

( and a nice bit of Bob Marley playing on my mobile phone 🎡🎢🎢πŸ₯🐀πŸ₯)

                             Did they survive the night ?

                                        They survived another night ! Yay ! 

 Still a little bit woozy from being transplanted , but they will soon get their roots down .

                             πŸ¦– Bug and slug protection !  🐌🐌🐌πŸͺ³πŸœπŸ•·️πŸͺ°πŸŒ

So I have had my lantern going over-night  to just take the edge off the cold .

                         Insulation roll laid along the rafters .

Insulation stuff rolled out along the rafters and shade netting for the Epiphyllums .

More shade netting along the North side of the greenhouse, trellis for the Epies to scrabble about and climb on ...and behind the trellis I have pushed in a car windscreen thingy for added warmth .

                            Tiny Tomato seedlings  🌱🌱🌱

                                           Grow ! 🌱Grow ! 🌱 Grow !🌱

Veg Trug update -

Veg Trug -husband working very hard , doing some maintenance work on it . Needs clearing out , painting , new liner , and re-filling with fresh earth / compost .

 The old exhausted compost to be mixed with some plain garden earth and used to fill the potato tubs .

I am doing potatoes in tubs again this year , really to get my grand daughter involved , learning where potatoes come from and all the fun of harvesting them at the end . 

The tubs will also serve to hold that heavy black plastic sheet down over that flaming bindweed zone !

All ready to start planting ! The seed potatoes are presently chitting indoors on a cool and not too bright windowsill .

I have also done another lot which are planted in pots in the garage , as they arrived too early . I must go and check on these actually . They might be ready to plant out now .

Or ...I could probably forget all about them  !   ..... It happens ! 

So , all is well .....

Then back indoors to light the fire , warm up my cold hands . Do brekkers . .

Poached egg , cheese on marmite on toast .... orange juice  ..... put feet up , still in recovery from gastric enteritis , taking it easy , rest in armchair surrounded with my embroidery stuff .... bliss ......   

1 comment:

  1. Such an exciting time of year, so much new growth every where, we are only getting air frost and not too bad, no lovely photo opportunities here.
