Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Gool Peran Lowen ! - Happy St Piran's Day !


Another frosty morning ! That's three or four mornings in a row now . Followed by beautiful sunny day .

About 7am I go up to uncover the seedlings in the greenhouse . Husband has painted the veg trug and it now awaits it's new lining . The new fence is gorgeous ! I hadn't expected it to be as nice as this . This is like National Trust quality ! 

Even got a super dooper gate with a perching post for buzzards to sit on .  

Over the lovely fence , we have a frosty and misty morning view . Can you see the deer track going across the meadow ?  Yesterday I saw a beautiful deer at the top of the meadow . I had my camera but by the time I'd switched it on and got in into focus , the deer was scrabbling up the Cornish hedge , over and away across the fields behind . . . all I could see was it's white backside , so nimble and I was amazed it could climb such a high wall . 

So I pulled off all the sheets of newspaper and just checked everything over .

The Horseradish is perking up now .

Still using the candle lantern over these cold nights  .

I thought I'd taken more pics of inside the greenhouse ,but apparently not .

So I'll just show you this instead . This is a tray of compost into which I sowed Acer "Bloodgood " seeds . 

The first year they did not germinate , I was told they often pop up the send year . The second year they did not germinate .

But there are lots of Verbena bonariensis seedlings coming up .

This year I can now see what looks like tiny onion bulbils . These are either Egyptian Walking Onions from my vegetable garden or possibly Allium roseum also known as Rosy garlic . It grows down by our local beach . Also in the gravel under my washing line . It is beautiful ! 

 Oh !Well ! No lovely little red Acer Bloodgood babies this time . 

Sun rising behind the clouds this morning .

                       Gool Peran Lowen ! πŸ’ Happy St Piran's Feast Day ! 

                                       Cornish Pasties , Splits and Cream ! 

 I'm going to sort out the lining fabric for that Veg Trug , do lunch and then put my feet up and do some serious stitching for the rest of the day . 

                             Wishing you a beautiful day πŸŒΏπŸ’šπŸ’ x

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