Monday, 3 March 2025

๐Ÿ’Spring Delightfulness ! ๐Ÿ’


I think these were three bags of bulbs for a fiver from the Range back in last Autumn . 

I had cleared away the summer display , simply chucked the bulbs in and dumped a load of compost over the top of them .

I think there was some bad weather coming in and I was dashing about getting the garden ready for Winter , moving plants away into their shelter zones and a million other things were going on at the time too .

Notice I planted them quite low down in the tub .The idea being that this would shelter them from the severe gales we keep getting and ( the real reason being ๐Ÿคฃ  ) all I will have to do is plant the next lot of plants over the top . 

When these have finished and to keep my husband happy , I will plonk another load of compost over the top of them and replace with some lovely 1970's style red and white pelargoniums , red salvias , blue lobelia , the obligatory mini yellow fir tree for contrast and maybe a big bold fuchsia  ......oh and something to trail over the sides .....(but not flaming Ivy !)

I'm bowled over with this cheerful display . A welcome splash of colour .

 I like to think Geoff  Hamilton , Peter Seabrook  , Roy Lancaster , Percy Thrower and Alan Titchmarsh would approve ...if maybe not of my bulb planting technique !



  1. I do love lobelia to trail over my tubs, it's softens the edges with their tiny flowers. Your bulbs are looking good,

    1. Yes trailing Lobelia is so pretty . Thankyou . Not bad for a fiver ! ๐Ÿ’☀️x

  2. What a good idea. It may deter creatures scratching up the bulbs too.The display is lovely.
