The sun has been shining and it has been quite mild out . I didn't get all of my washing dry on the line and brought it in again , still slightly damp ,before the sun went down .
There is so much that I want to do but can't because I,m supposed to be resting due to an injury . However I thought I could manage to sit on the grass and gently pluck out a few weeds . Longing to get my hands into the earth again .
My husband lined up the wheelbarrow next to me , the idea being that I could toss the weeds into it without getting up .
My young Monkey Puzzle Tree is looking good .There are some big brambles coming in through the fence from next door .We have nice neighbours and I,m sure they don't want brambles either ! I think we will need to work together on this .I will need to climb into this garden bed to do a proper job as soon as I am better .
The bamboo canes are there to remind my husband not to reverse into the Monkey Puzzle Tree with the lawn mower.
There are two Dahlias in this bed, which we decided to leave in the ground over the Winter . It doesn't usually get that cold here , but I want to get a nice thick mulch on them before next week's cold weather arrives .
I have left the dried up stems to remind me where they are in the ground .
I only did this small area , but filled the wheelbarrow to over flowing !
I took out most of a very large and sprawling Osteospermum . I will use some of that for cuttings to go on our front Cornish hedge .
Underneath all the moss , ivy , nettles , brambles and clumps of grass , were lots of tiny primrose and Cowslip seedlings .
I love these Primulas , they smell so sweet . If you can get down to smell them !
I cleared up the last few clumps of weeds that had somehow missed the wheelbarrow and took a look round at what else needs attention . I had already tidied this bed up back in early Autumn . The Arum lilies are still growing away , but the Gunneras have all withered back . The Tree Fern has Ivy growing on it's trunk ,which is hard to pull off . I will just keep pulling it off whenever I can , to try and keep on top of it . More importantly I must find the old hessian sacks in the shed , to throw onto the crown , should we get a freezing weather warning .
If I can't find them , then I will fold over a few of the fronds over the crown to protect it from freezing .
The weather being so nice and sunny today I took the cloche off the Agave .
This is another weedy area that I urgently need to sort out !
It is difficult to weed , because I had to put this fencing around it , to stop the Grandchildren and their new puppy from running into it .
Look at how it's grown ! Even it's shadows are gorgeous . We need to re-structure this gravelled area of the garden . It is basically weed-membrane with gravel on top . I created this myself over 16 years ago and have regularly raked it over to stop weed seedlings germinating into it , but my not being very well for a time has allowed things to get a bit out of hand and once again the Ivy and brambles are climbing in through the fence , grass clumps ,Wild Strawberries and other weeds . I need to take out the fencing and wearing some goggles , get in there and pull out the brambles , rearrange the rocks and slabs of slate around the base of the Agave so that rain water can run off away from the plants roots quickly . They can take a fair bit of cold temperatures , but they really don't like to be wet . Wet and cold will quickly finish off these spiky beasts .
Gorgeous spiky shadows.
I have covered it up again for the night . These toughen up as they become more mature . This one is just a youngster and I want it to come through the Winter as best it can .
Talking about cloches , I pulled this one out of the shed this afternoon to discover that the fleece on it is disintegrating ! See the top of it in the picture above ? Just crumbling away ! Very annoyed , as I only bought it last year and not even used it yet . I put it over a tub of some more tender Osteospurmums , I have put a towel over the plant inside and I hope that the cloche will at least give some protection from the North wind tonight .I have now put some rocks on it to hold it in place . I will have to think of something else I can tie onto the wire frame of this cloche . It is going to be very cold this week . Especially for all of you further up country , wrap up your plants or move them into shelter zones and don't forget to wrap up your outside taps .

Here we have another bed that needs re-structuring . That was a beautiful red Cordyline , which just began dying about two years ago . I had thought that it might put out a shoot further down on it's trunk or from the base , but it doesn't look as if that is going to happen .I have been very patient . Gardening teaches you to be patient !
It needs to come out and normally I would get that out in no time , but I am not allowed to do any heavy work at the moment.
Looking on the bright side , look at these amazing fungi growing out of the trunk .
I find them so interesting . Isn't nature wonderful !
The camellia bush has been flowering since Christmas .It really does look so lovely now .
I know that so many of you out there , are feeling unhappy and anxious with the lock-down and waiting for vaccinations and many of you don't have a garden and are feeling really cooped up , and even more difficult trying to teach your little ones at home , along with trying to work at home and unable to have time and space to yourself .My heart really goes out to you that are suffering from the recent flooding . So many sad things on the news . People losing their loved ones .I am so sorry . So many difficulties at the moment . You are in my prayers and thoughts . I,m sending you a hug and some good vibes . x
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