Thursday 4 February 2021

Epiphyllum Blattkakteen Epicactus "Lollipop" Steckling - Flower open !


At about 10.30 pm last night , I walked into my room to be greeted by this gorgeous beauty !

I had thought that it was waiting for a nice sunny day to open this bud , but rather it seems , it must be responding to the phase of the moon . We have just had Full Moon . I think that also this signifies that it's flowers might be moth pollinated .

I quickly took lots of photos of it for my own record .

Some of my Epies only last the night  . I wonder if this one will still be open in the morning or will I awaken to find it withering away ?

It is a much larger flower than I expected . Very pretty long spidery petals . Orange /red . A faint musky watermelon fragrance .

I am so glad I bought this Epie var ."Lollipop".I love that it flowers so early before all the others and at what can be a very gloomy and dark time of the year for us in the U.K.
It brought some cheer and made me smile ! 


  1. We love the colour, such a beauty!

    1. Hello Mark and Gaz , Thankyou for popping in .I hope you are both well and pottering about happily in your lovely garden . Yes,the flower glowed a rich orange today with the sun shining through it's petals :)

  2. Update - Flower is seen to be withering this morning 10th February . So it lasted 5-6 days which is quite good . I will take this plant out into the greenhouse when the weather warms up again in the Spring and look forward to seeing it bloom again this time next year .
