Crinum powellii "rosea"
So what do I mean when I say that I,ve been "pottering about in the garden " ? .......
In the ornamental garden we have two huge clumps of Crinum powellii that give us a beautiful display later on in the summer . It really is a lovely thing in full bloom with the bees buzzing happily around it . I want to move some of it to a couple of other places in our garden .
Also I had promised a friend a bulb from it .
So I thought , today's the day ! I shoved my fork in ..but would it budge !
I tried again and managed to get this piece off , but the main good strong roots snapped off ... grrrr...cross with myself ! It has got a few tiny roots..if you click to look more closely ...sigh ! Stupid me !
I have potted it up and hopefully it will grow stronger new roots ....think I'll leave this job till later on in the year ,when we've had more rain . We haven't had any rain for about a month here the ground is so dry now and the water but is empty .
So then I decide to tackle that very slowly withering Agave potatorum . ( Look , I just had the urge to dig ! )
It very satisfyingly ....came up and rolled into my wheelbarrow , which I had ready laid on it's side . All I had to do was shove the wheelbarrow together with the Agave , up with my foot.
I couldn't get a photo though whilst doing this, but here it is in my wheelbarrow . No idea what I,m going to do with it now ! I,ll think about that later .
I rescued the last few pups .
We are slowly re-working the gravel bed . Now to take out the smaller Agave Americana behind . It isn't happy there .
The Acer "Bloodgood" is over shadowing it too much .
So up it came , with very poor roots too and I have replanted it here in a much better place . It looks a little lost at the moment , but should grow much bigger than the Agave pottertorum did eventually .
Ooh ! At this point ,I stood up and stretched out my poor aching back !
Stretching out my back and my hands aching , I look around and admire the Tree Ferns unfurling and the Gunnera manicata leaves pushing up .
I give my hands a good wash , go sit in the Summer house with a glass of lemonade and do a bit of stitching ...and have a think about which Agave baby ,up in the greenhouse is going to replace the old one . I have a nice Agave ferox ..or a Dasylirion wheeleri ..or a wicked Aloe ferox ?