🌿 I have arrived , I am home . 🌿
I gently carried Lord Buddha back to his place in my greenhouse .
It was a beautiful sunrise .
I have been slowly pottering about , determined to get my seedlings potted on . How one week can make such a difference !
I normally prick out my seedlings at the cotyledon or the first not true leaf stage , just as they first germinate . This way helps stop the roots from getting tangled and damaged as I separate them .
So ,a week on and the first true leaf has appeared and they are getting leggy . It's o.k . I will do my best to save them and they will probably be o.k. .
I could probably sow some more cucumber seeds at this stage , it's not too late .
These Alicante Tomato seedlings were a second sowing after I muddled up the first lot .They'll soon catch up .
Passiflora seedlings each popped into their own pot of fresh compost . Should quickly give them a boost .
So good to get my hands into the earth .
I have many trowels / hand spades lying around here are there .
I mostly use my bare hands for potting up sessions .
The hori-hori has become a trendy thing .....but for me ...not so useful ...I still prefer the good old fashioned trowel or hand spade ......or my bare hands .
It is very sharp .......another reason why I'm not so keen on them . It does have a safety cover .
However , today while up in the shed , it did come in useful for sharpening my plant labelling pencil !
Just as we are using up our leeks which have stood this horrible wet and windy weather , so it is time to be sowing next Winter's larder . Always overjoyed to see the leek babies hatching .So much easier than onions in my opinion . Those are Poppies coming up next to them ,can't wait to see their flowers .
Now all in the unheated greenhouse .
Tonight I'll fix up the roof insulation stuff along the rafters and cover everything over with fleece and newspaper sheets .
I'm feeling like I 've caught up again ...hopefully . 🙏🏻🌱🌱🌱🌿
Weather update - Sunshine by day ☀️ - blinking cold by night 🌑 new moon
Also will light my candle lantern .