Saturday, 1 February 2025

🍅Sowing my Tomato Seeds today 🍅- Cornwall 🌿

 Got up extra early to get my Tomato seeds sown . Our grandchildren were coming over to spend the day with us a bit later on and I really need to concentrate when I'm sowing seeds .

 I have also sown my leeks and a packet of beautiful white poppy seeds that my brother sent for me .

The Tomatoes have now joined the Sweet Peppers and Passion flowers on the propagator on my bedroom windowsill .

I wanted to sow my cucumbers but I seem to be one pan down , can't find it anywhere ! I will be pricking out and potting up the Sweet Peppers very soon so can use that pan and keep looking for the other one . Hopefully tomorrow .

Then just as I finished , the children arrived ....both wanting to do jobs to earn some pocket money !

                  My older one painted the shed and did a very good job of it I thought . 

 My younger one  thoroughly enjoyed  helping me make a chocolate cake .

              🤎  Insisted on doing it herself  .... mostly ....

                   .....and she is a very good cook 🤎

                                                    Wow !  🤎 Yummy !
                          We did have fun of the most chocolatey kind !

                                           ...... and  I love washing up !  🤣


1 comment:

  1. Update - 5 February - Tomato "Roma vf " are germinating already !
