Thursday, 6 February 2025

Meanwhile on the Windowsill


We have a race going on !  Roma vf are the first up as to be expected from such a brute of a tomato plant !

Cocktail Crush coming in second .

..and my old and usually very reliable Alicante ....last . Maybe because it was an old seed  packet , although only from last year . Tomato seeds can last quite a long time . Usually  🤔

I am going to re-sow Alicante with a fresh packet of seeds .

I still need to prick out and pot on the Sweet Peppers and use that pan to sow my Cucumbers . Aagh ...I'm already getting that "feeling I'm behind " feeling ! 

But of course there is still plenty of time  .

I now have four each of the Passiflora mollissima and Passiflora manicata . Very happy ! We have a cold week ahead ,so I will prick these out and pot them up when this little cold spell has passed . 

Once they are potted up , they will grow really fast . I will get these into the greenhouse . I have not grown Passiflora manicata (the red flowering one) before , this one will stay in the greenhouse . I will let it scrabble through the Tomato and Cucumber plants .  🌿🌺🌿🥒🌿🍅

Passiflora mollissima ( the pink flowering one ) will eventually be grown outside , in a warm and sheltered position .... It is a beauty ! 

I am trying to get my mind back into loving the new leaking greenhouse ...sigh ....

I am going to get my lovely driftwood pieces back in there very soon . I've ordered some special wood stuff from Amazon , to spray on to them to make them look even more gorgeous .

Doing my bit for the wild birds . I scrubbed out my bird feeders .

I was going to scrub out the bird bath , but couldn't find the brush .Will look for it later on .

As clean as best that I could do and given a refill .

Everybody happy again .

                        Except this little chap . "What ! No peanuts !" 

  I can't afford to buy them every time I go shopping ...almost £4.00 for a little bag now !


This morning I raked over veg beds which I had covered with leaves and grass clippings and cardboard shredding's over winter and the earth is looking lovely underneath . I pulled up a couple of big fat leeks for lunch or maybe soup .

I am tired and aching a little bit after gardening operations yesterday . So that is all I'm doing out there for today . I watched from the landing window,  my husband doing a great job of cutting the grass this morning .  Can't cut it too low as it has been so wet .( I really need to do the labyrinth )  He brought in more fire wood for the cold week ahead and he's tidying the garage too . ( about time !)

We'll go for our walk later , maybe over at Marazion today would be nice .Might pop into the Range .
Anyway ....
I'm now going to think about lunch . Then put my feet up and do my embroidery .

                             What are you up to today ?  ☀️🌤️☀️

1 comment:

  1. We only feed the birds sunflower hearts, our neighbours use mixed seed, hubby gets the huge sacks, not cheap but worth it when watching so many birds at our feeders.
