Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Gool Peran Lowen ! - Happy St Piran's Day !


Another frosty morning ! That's three or four mornings in a row now . Followed by beautiful sunny day .

About 7am I go up to uncover the seedlings in the greenhouse . Husband has painted the veg trug and it now awaits it's new lining . The new fence is gorgeous ! I hadn't expected it to be as nice as this . This is like National Trust quality ! 

Even got a super dooper gate with a perching post for buzzards to sit on .  

Over the lovely fence , we have a frosty and misty morning view . Can you see the deer track going across the meadow ?  Yesterday I saw a beautiful deer at the top of the meadow . I had my camera but by the time I'd switched it on and got in into focus , the deer was scrabbling up the Cornish hedge , over and away across the fields behind . . . all I could see was it's white backside , so nimble and I was amazed it could climb such a high wall . 

So I pulled off all the sheets of newspaper and just checked everything over .

The Horseradish is perking up now .

Still using the candle lantern over these cold nights  .

I thought I'd taken more pics of inside the greenhouse ,but apparently not .

So I'll just show you this instead . This is a tray of compost into which I sowed Acer "Bloodgood " seeds . 

The first year they did not germinate , I was told they often pop up the send year . The second year they did not germinate .

But there are lots of Verbena bonariensis seedlings coming up .

This year I can now see what looks like tiny onion bulbils . These are either Egyptian Walking Onions from my vegetable garden or possibly Allium roseum also known as Rosy garlic . It grows down by our local beach . Also in the gravel under my washing line . It is beautiful ! 

 Oh !Well ! No lovely little red Acer Bloodgood babies this time . 

Sun rising behind the clouds this morning .

                       Gool Peran Lowen ! πŸ’ Happy St Piran's Feast Day ! 

                                       Cornish Pasties , Splits and Cream ! 

 I'm going to sort out the lining fabric for that Veg Trug , do lunch and then put my feet up and do some serious stitching for the rest of the day . 

                             Wishing you a beautiful day πŸŒΏπŸ’šπŸ’ x

Monday, 3 March 2025

πŸ’Spring Delightfulness ! πŸ’


I think these were three bags of bulbs for a fiver from the Range back in last Autumn . 

I had cleared away the summer display , simply chucked the bulbs in and dumped a load of compost over the top of them .

I think there was some bad weather coming in and I was dashing about getting the garden ready for Winter , moving plants away into their shelter zones and a million other things were going on at the time too .

Notice I planted them quite low down in the tub .The idea being that this would shelter them from the severe gales we keep getting and ( the real reason being 🀣  ) all I will have to do is plant the next lot of plants over the top . 

When these have finished and to keep my husband happy , I will plonk another load of compost over the top of them and replace with some lovely 1970's style red and white pelargoniums , red salvias , blue lobelia , the obligatory mini yellow fir tree for contrast and maybe a big bold fuchsia  ......oh and something to trail over the sides .....(but not flaming Ivy !)

I'm bowled over with this cheerful display . A welcome splash of colour .

 I like to think Geoff  Hamilton , Peter Seabrook  , Roy Lancaster , Percy Thrower and Alan Titchmarsh would approve ...if maybe not of my bulb planting technique !


Sunday, 2 March 2025

😱 Aghast - in the most delightful way ! 🌿


                            🌿    Amorphophallus konjac gorgeousness  ! 🌿

                                       πŸŒΏ Voodoo Lilies  πŸ’šπŸŒΏ  

Saturday, 1 March 2025

1st March - Greenhouse ,Veg Trug , Potatoes

 Up early to uncover the seedlings in the greenhouse .

I think it is going to be another sunny warm spring day....maybe the odd passing sprinkle of rain drops .

Even the nettles look beautiful covered in frost . 

Jack Frost rarely visits us here , so forgive me , when he does , I get so excited to go out and look at the lovely sparkles close up !

Oh ! This morning's Sunrise was so beautiful ! Let's take a peek o' the onion bed .....

Nice little oniony shoots coming up under the grids . (  to stop the birds pulling them up , thinking the new shoots are worms )

So come on , let's go see , what's going on up in the greenhouse . 

All the seedlings are covered with fleece and sheets of newspapers .
( mmmm- get the incense burner going ✨πŸ•Š️✨πŸ’›)

( and a nice bit of Bob Marley playing on my mobile phone 🎡🎢🎢πŸ₯🐀πŸ₯)

                             Did they survive the night ?

                                        They survived another night ! Yay ! 

 Still a little bit woozy from being transplanted , but they will soon get their roots down .

                             πŸ¦– Bug and slug protection !  🐌🐌🐌πŸͺ³πŸœπŸ•·️πŸͺ°πŸŒ

So I have had my lantern going over-night  to just take the edge off the cold .

                         Insulation roll laid along the rafters .

Insulation stuff rolled out along the rafters and shade netting for the Epiphyllums .

More shade netting along the North side of the greenhouse, trellis for the Epies to scrabble about and climb on ...and behind the trellis I have pushed in a car windscreen thingy for added warmth .

                            Tiny Tomato seedlings  🌱🌱🌱

                                           Grow ! 🌱Grow ! 🌱 Grow !🌱

Veg Trug update -

Veg Trug -husband working very hard , doing some maintenance work on it . Needs clearing out , painting , new liner , and re-filling with fresh earth / compost .

 The old exhausted compost to be mixed with some plain garden earth and used to fill the potato tubs .

I am doing potatoes in tubs again this year , really to get my grand daughter involved , learning where potatoes come from and all the fun of harvesting them at the end . 

The tubs will also serve to hold that heavy black plastic sheet down over that flaming bindweed zone !

All ready to start planting ! The seed potatoes are presently chitting indoors on a cool and not too bright windowsill .

I have also done another lot which are planted in pots in the garage , as they arrived too early . I must go and check on these actually . They might be ready to plant out now .

Or ...I could probably forget all about them  !   ..... It happens ! 

So , all is well .....

Then back indoors to light the fire , warm up my cold hands . Do brekkers . .

Poached egg , cheese on marmite on toast .... orange juice  ..... put feet up , still in recovery from gastric enteritis , taking it easy , rest in armchair surrounded with my embroidery stuff .... bliss ......   

Thursday, 27 February 2025

🌿Bringing back the love πŸͺ·πŸŒΏ


                           πŸŒΏ   I have arrived , I am home . 🌿 

          I gently carried Lord Buddha back to his place in my greenhouse .

                                    It was a beautiful sunrise .

I have been slowly pottering about , determined to get my seedlings potted on . How one week can make such a difference ! 

I normally prick out my seedlings at the cotyledon or the first not true leaf stage , just as they first germinate . This way helps stop the roots from getting tangled and damaged as I separate them . 

So ,a week on and the first true leaf has appeared and they are getting leggy  .  It's o.k . I will do my best to save them and they will probably be o.k. . 

I could probably sow some more cucumber seeds at this stage , it's not too late . 

These Alicante Tomato seedlings were a second sowing after I muddled up the first lot .They'll soon catch up .

Passiflora seedlings each popped into their own pot of fresh compost . Should quickly give them a boost . 

So good to get my hands into the earth .

I have many trowels / hand spades lying around here are there .

I mostly use my bare hands for potting up sessions .

The hori-hori has become a trendy thing .....but for me ...not so useful ...I still prefer the good old fashioned trowel or hand spade ......or my bare hands .

It is very sharp .......another reason why I'm not so keen on them . It does have a safety cover .

However , today while up in the shed , it did come in useful for sharpening my plant labelling pencil !

Just as we are using up our leeks which have stood this horrible wet and windy weather , so it is time to be sowing next Winter's larder . Always overjoyed to see the leek babies hatching .So much easier than onions in my opinion . Those are Poppies coming up next to them ,can't wait to see their flowers .

                     Now all in the unheated greenhouse  . 


Tonight I'll fix up the roof insulation stuff along the rafters and cover everything over with fleece and newspaper sheets . 

I'm feeling like I 've caught up again ...hopefully . πŸ™πŸ»πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒ±πŸŒΏ

Weather update - Sunshine by day ☀️ - blinking cold by night  πŸŒ‘ new moon 

Also will light my candle lantern .

This morning I had my little incense burner going on top of it . 
 The greenhouse is beginning to become my happy place again .
Now I'm going to put my feet up again for the rest of the day !