Sunday 11 June 2023

Strange warm misty morning


                 Looking across our neighbour's field . The beautiful morning mist .

Colin coming with his tractor to cut the meadow today ,. I still have miserable ear infection pain and rumbling tinnitus in both ears (second lot of antibiotics ) so we thought we'd get out of his way and set off to watch a yacht race over at Falmouth .

I do have good news though..... my kidney cancer CT Scan result came and it is all clear . Thankyou wonderful surgeon , doctors and nurses . I've been in a dreadful state of extreme anxiety for the last two weeks , the slightest little thing making me cry . 

I am still wearing my facemask when out in shops and trying to stay away from crowded places . Please be understanding as to why people are still wearing face masks and not give the unkind looks . 

I can assure you that my eyes will be smiling back at you !

Make the most of every single day , be love and be peace  .

                               Pendennis Point looking towards St Anthony's Lighthouse .

So over to Falmouth , grabbing a McDonalds Brekkers tea for me and coffee for him on the way 
Very warm , foggy and not the slightest breeze .
 No one had their sails up .
 Nothing was happening .
Word was going around of delaying the start or even calling it off altogether .
No whales dolphins today .

Drove back to the docks to see what we could see . Lovely view over Falmouth and these two sweet little ketches .

 Mist clearing a little , but still no sign of them starting . Husband getting impatient now and wanting to go home  .   I wish I'd packed a picnic .

Then this beast came rumbling up the road ! Oh ! How cool !  lol !

The serious posing made me chuckle  lol ! ...and those lovely smiles cheered me up anyway !   

The yachts did start to move away , but he decided we should go home now ....but there's another race tomorrow , so if the weather and visibility improves we may pop along to watch again and take a picnic with us and a flask of coffee to keep his Lordship from getting bored .

I enjoyed the morning anyway .

Came home . The field has been cut and twizzled . Now hopefully to dry and be baled up over the next couple of days .  Beautiful , best quality hay for horses . 

Looking across the meadow from the veg-trug .

I have covered one end of the veg-trug with some old grids and chicken-wire to protect our ripening Strawberries from the cheeky blackbirds . Listen , I give them apple cores and grapes , they are not having any more of my Strawberries !

I got a second lot of Dahlias planted out .A lovely surprise gift from my daughter .

These should give a lovely splash of colour towards the end of the Summer .

Looking great from a distance but I is knowing that there be weeds creeping back in there !

I will find them ! Just not today I'm too tired now . Time to put my feet up and do some stitching in the summer house .

               Impatiens tinctoria . The nice friendly one that doesn't spread .

                                       Cheerio for now !  Hugs  Debbie x

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the ears but great news about the all clear. You must be so relieved
