Friday 3 February 2023

Still Dreaming about Dahlias


Up early as usual and off out into the garden  to see the Sun rise , except I didn't because it was overcast . I enjoyed listening to the Song Thrush for a while , then wandered up to the greenhouse .

I think I have lost a few things this year as we were away during that cold snap . I,m delighted to see my Lachenalia bulbifera (I think) flowering . It has two flower spires this year !

I'll give you  an update when it is fully open .

Yes some plants are looking a bit tatty .

                              Glad to see this one is o.k .

                                                  Euphorbia stellata .

All the Epiphyllums looking very sad , but having had some cold temperatures can sometimes make them bloom with better and brighter colours .

The Haworthia that I re-potted is looking fab ! I think it is Haworthia attenuata . Please correct me if I,m wrong . I think the label is got buried into the pot when I re-planted it .

.... but of course I am procrastinating ! You all know what I really ought to be doing ! 

Yep ! Digging out that wretched Willow tree stump !

So I got the tools out of the shed and got stuck in  .

My best friend came to help . 

I dug all around it first and lopped out the roots as I went along .

I could not have done it without these loppers .

Nearly there . I was so worried that it might have a huge tap root going down underneath , but I managed to cut them each one by one . 

....... I lopped it and rocked it until it finally came free . Oh my goodness ! It weighs a ton ! 

Robin is delighted to get in there for grubs , as I dragged the stump up onto the lawn .

                           Oh my goodness that was hard work !

That's it for today ...that nearly killed me ! 

I need to pull out any remaining weeds and neaten up the edge again , but not today .

Only enough strength left in me to take the tools back up to the shed .

Soak in the bath ...............aaaaaah .......

Feeling magnificently satisfied to have got rid of that stump and now I can really look forward to turning this into a nice big bed for Dahlias .

I,ve been dreaming about Dahlias . 

I want a riot of colours to cheer us all up  !  

I might need a few days off from gardening to recover . πŸ’πŸ¦‹πŸ


  1. Hello! You are amazing! I am inspired. Although, here in Pennsylvania I cannot do much but dream until this cold and snow are gone!

    1. Hello Billy Jo πŸ’ You just keep yourself safe and cosy warm . Soon Spring will come 🌞 x

  2. Bloody hell, well done for removing the stump.

    1. Ha ha yes ! Thankyou . There is another one up in the vegetable garden ...I think I might just light a bonfire over that one !

  3. You' ve certainly worked a miracle there. Plants do look tatty at this time of the year. How lucky to have a song thrush.

    1. Hello Sue 🐝I am delighted that the Thrush seems to like singing up in the same tree in my garden every morning .It's a real treat !
