Boxing Day and up to watch the Sun rising .
We had got away for a few days fossil hunting in Dorset . We hadn't expected that cold weather to last as long as it did .
I had a few precious plants covered and fleeced over , but I knew before we came home , that I would probably have a few loses .
I pulled out the last of the Courgettes . The low light levels had finished them off . The spent compost , I threw onto the African Keyhole bed .
Coriander , Dill and Pak Choi , I think , will be fine .
O.K. So I'll give you the bad news first . Yep beautiful Red Ensete Ethiopian Bananas are looking really bad .
The reason for this is the man who built our new workshop and woodshed did not do the roof properly . Apart from it being four inches lower than the old shed roof and it is also leaking all over the place . He is supposed to be coming back to fix it , but he is taking his time . So where it has leaked on the plants , they have frozen and then thawed .
I have always got these two huge plants through the winter just fine . They usually look a bit tatty but always recover .
I have never seen them looking so sad and I fear this time they will not recover .
I,ve kept these two plants going for a few years now .
This makes me feel so unhappy .
The good news is that all of my Sweet Peas are germinating .
This makes me feel so happy !
Expertrees team came and coppiced some of our overgrown hedgerows for us . They did an excellent job .
They even cut me some nice Hazel bean poles , which will save me doing it !
So now our neighbours will also have a better view of the Sun-rise . A perfect Winter Solstice gift !
Everybody happy !
The wasps seem to have gone from the big old tree stump , so now I can dig up my potatoes , if they haven't rotted in the ground . I'm going to try growing potatoes in tubs next year .
I was worried that my Squirrel friends would not come back after such a drastic coppicing .
"You talking about me ? "
I topped up the feeding station with peanuts and ....I needn't have worried !