Thursday 17 May 2018

Oh, what a beautiful morning ! Oh ,what a beautiful day !

This morning was my most favourite , long awaited morning of the year . When I  go up to my greenhouse and as I walk past , through the dirty windows , I spy these breathtakingly beautiful  Epiphyllum blooms !

                             Eager to get inside and have a closer look .

I let them grow scrabbling about and climbing the trellis and branches that I have fixed up..... some are in hanging baskets .

I couldn't quite reach the label on this , but I think it is  Epiphyllum Achievement .

 This one is Space Rocket which I bought a few years ago from Epiphyllum specialist  Mr Horobin .
 Others that I have , were cuttings from my mother's plants ..which originally came from my Grandmother ...and I have no idea where she would have got hers from , because back then it would have been extremely rare to have a plant like this in England .  There were no plant nurseries or garden centres back then .

 No fragrance with this one but it is huge..bigger than my hand ...see the top picture , where I am holding my hand above my hat in the reflection of the greenhouse window .

 I stand in the warmth of the greenhouse admiring them for ages , intoxicated by the perfume ..mmm that fragrance just has to be good for you !

This one is King Midas....and the peach like fragrance is divine... mmmm....

            There are lots more buds coming too  , maybe tomorrow  !

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