Saturday, 25 January 2025

Hope you've had your breakfast !


                                         ...... amazing camouflage !

So , no sleep during the night of Storm Eowyn .....but thankfully , no damage as such  ....hope you survived o.k ?

                   Another named storm coming in for tomorrow  . Storm Herminia .



  1. They are beautiful birds, we have seen one in our garden a couple of times, they don't stay for long. We survived the storm, along the south coast we missed most of it, sadly that's not the case for the incoming storm.

    1. I think this one is more of a rain event with thunder and lightning . ⛈️Horrible ....I don't like it ! Take care 🦆🦆🦆🦆🐤

  2. Nice shots of the Buzzards. We lost power for 17 hours and just got our water back a few hours ago. Getting ready for round 2. :(

    1. Oh Bill ! Oh my goodness ! So sorry to hear they cut your water off as well as power cut ? ! You'd better fill some pots , kettle and buckets ...maybe make up a couple of flasks of coffee/soup in case the power goes again . I do hope this one is not so bad .

  3. We got off lightly in West Yorkshire. Friends in the village where we lived in Scotland are still without power since Friday.

    1. Glad you are o.k.Jenny and it was really bad up your way too !💐 My heart goes out to all the people who have had their homes damaged . I hope the weather will settle down now . It's still lashing down with rain here in Cornwall . ⛈️⛈️⛈️

  4. As Jenny said we got off lightly. We've had sparrowhawls dining outside of our window. I don't like to see it happening but it's natures way.
