Sunday, 9 March 2025

Just Before the Sun Rise 🌀️

            A beautiful fiery sky , just before sunrise this morning .  It's mild . 

Veg Trug waiting to be filled .  There is a heavy plastic sheet under that weed membrane , just at very bottom . Hopefully this will help to hold moisture during the upcoming hot summer weather ☀️

We hope the weather will be kind and fair to us this year .... nothing too extreme ....fingers crossed .

Not sure what is planned for today ...Ricardo is still fast asleep in bed.....think we're meeting up with family at some point which is nice ....then shopping .... laundry .....other boring stuff .

Hopefully  I will have some help fixing up my lantern in the greenhouse ,because I can't reach . Maybe we'll get that Veg Trug filled .

And of course , make time to do a little stitching .

                           Hope you are planning a relaxing Sunday  . 

                                Hey you !     Make it a great day ! ☀️πŸπŸŒΏπŸ’ž 


Saturday, 8 March 2025

🌱A Second Wave of Seed Sowing 🌱🌱

Warming up . No frost .  Mild , mizzle and misty morning . The sun did try to come out now and then .

Yesterday I sowed a second wave of seeds on the heat propagator . Artichokes , Lobelia , Coriander and two varieties of Zinnias .

....and look ! Zinnia seedling has germinated overnight !  

In the shed , seed sowing continues with Parris Island Lettuce , Forellenschluss Spotted Trout Lettuce  , PSB , Evesham brussels sprouts , Radish " Red Meat "and Dwarf Curly Borecole .

Leeks " Bleu de Solaise " are up ...I am still trying to find L. Jeune de Poteau seeds . Please let me know where I can get some ?

Ricardo did a great job of painting the Veg Trug and together we got  it re-lined and partly re-filled it HΓΌgelkultur style with branches and sticks at the bottom layered with partly broken down wood chip the tree surgeon left for us . We are going to do a layer of good garden earth with worms and top up with fresh compost . We'll finish this tomorrow . Ricardo wants a big bold display of flowers in there ! 

Very excited when my Spray Paint /Varnish stuff arrived ! 

  Goodness me it stinks ! 

I was very excited to do this particular piece of driftwood . . .  but I am disappointed as it didn't really look much different .

 Maybe I need to give it a second coat ?  Someone recommended this spray paint to me but I'm thinking a small pot of yacht varnish would be more effective and a whole lot cheaper .

These pieces are now drying out in the greenhouse  .

Ricardo is going to fix up a hook in the greenhouse for my wooden lantern tomorrow .

It was a wonderful charity shop find , I fell in love with it as soon as I set eyes on it  πŸ₯°πŸ’žπŸ’—

I know what you are thinking ...  tatty old thing  ...... but I love it !  

Sweet Peppers and Tomato plants are looking great .

Cucumbers not looking quite so happy , hopefully I can pull them through .... I could sow some more if need be . Not too late . 

πŸ’ž The Passiflora seedlings are doing great ....I can feel their happy vibes !   πŸ₯°πŸ’ž



Primula , Primroses and daffodils and Camelias . Beautiful exciting time of the year . 
  The awakening  !

Comfrey ...... and the Bumble bees are out and about .  

   Wishing you a great weekend 🌱🌿🐝🐞🦊🦑πŸͺ· x

                      .......   mostly ☀️......the odd spit spot of rain .... breezy !

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Gool Peran Lowen ! - Happy St Piran's Day !


Another frosty morning ! That's three or four mornings in a row now . Followed by beautiful sunny day .

About 7am I go up to uncover the seedlings in the greenhouse . Husband has painted the veg trug and it now awaits it's new lining . The new fence is gorgeous ! I hadn't expected it to be as nice as this . This is like National Trust quality ! 

Even got a super dooper gate with a perching post for buzzards to sit on .  

Over the lovely fence , we have a frosty and misty morning view . Can you see the deer track going across the meadow ?  Yesterday I saw a beautiful deer at the top of the meadow . I had my camera but by the time I'd switched it on and got in into focus , the deer was scrabbling up the Cornish hedge , over and away across the fields behind . . . all I could see was it's white backside , so nimble and I was amazed it could climb such a high wall . 

So I pulled off all the sheets of newspaper and just checked everything over .

The Horseradish is perking up now .

Still using the candle lantern over these cold nights  .

I thought I'd taken more pics of inside the greenhouse ,but apparently not .

So I'll just show you this instead . This is a tray of compost into which I sowed Acer "Bloodgood " seeds . 

The first year they did not germinate , I was told they often pop up the second year . The second year they did not germinate .

But there are lots of Verbena bonariensis seedlings coming up .

This year I can now see what looks like tiny onion bulbils . These are either Egyptian Walking Onions from my vegetable garden or possibly Allium roseum also known as Rosy garlic . It grows down by our local beach . Also in the gravel under my washing line . It is beautiful ! 

 Oh !Well ! No lovely little red Acer Bloodgood babies this time . 

Sun rising behind the clouds this morning .

                       Gool Peran Lowen ! πŸ’ Happy St Piran's Feast Day ! 

                                       Cornish Pasties , Splits and Cream ! 

 I'm going to sort out the lining fabric for that Veg Trug , do lunch and then put my feet up and do some serious stitching for the rest of the day . 

                             Wishing you a beautiful day πŸŒΏπŸ’šπŸ’ x