Friday, 17 January 2025

๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿฅ”๐Ÿฅ”Seed Potatoes ๐Ÿฅ”๐Ÿฅ”๐ŸŒฟ


Red Duke of York seed potatoes arrived and this year I am doing this with my grand-daughter . She hasn't done this before and it's a fun lesson to learn where potatoes come from other than the supermarket .


I'm not doing the chitting them in egg boxes thing , nor am I planting them in the ground .

                                                    We're doing it this way ๐Ÿ˜„

The potatoes arrived a little bit early , so we are going to start them off in pots . However these pots we decided were too small and I had to have a bit of a hunt to find these nice long pots .

We put a good handful of compost over them , but not all the way up to the top .

Covered them over with netting to keep mice out . These are now on a shelf in the garage , where it is dark and cool , to get their roots down . 

They may begin to put up sprouts and we will cover them again with some more compost .

Then as we go into March  I plan to re-plant them into my really large tubs . 

Eventually we will have the fun of tipping them all out , to see how many we can find . 

Meanwhile in the shed , I have a foil survival sheet , hanging on a line ,to reflect the light on to the bench .

I have not grown onions this early before . I was worried they might have shrivelled away or been eaten . ...but all is well . I gave them a tiny drop of water each .

The weather has been beautiful and I have been busy doing laundry , very happy to get sheets and towels dry on the line .

The sun has tried to make an appearance and it is quite mild , but it is pretty much over cast again .

 Right I have to go and make lunch .Husband's been playing working so hard having a bonfire and is hungry -  Vegetarian Shepherds Pie .

                             ๐ŸŒฟ  Cheerio fer now my lovelies !๐ŸŒฟ


Monday, 13 January 2025

Sowing Sweet Pepper๐ŸŒถ️ Corno di Toro Rosso

 So referring to my little red book - 13 January 2024 - this was the day I sowed my Sweet Red Pepper seeds .     

Last year these did really well !   ๐ŸŒถ️๐ŸŒถ️๐ŸŒถ️๐ŸŒถ️๐ŸŒถ️๐ŸŒถ️๐ŸŒถ️

Husband loves them , so I'm doing exactly the same thing again with these this year 2025 .

Check with your own local growing dates - I'm in Cornwall .

I wasn't going to give you any birdie news and then just as I'm about to go down stairs , through the landing window , I see this Buzzard landing on the telegraph pole .

Always a thrill to see !  (Not brilliant photos I know ! )

He puffed himself up . Very handsome boy .

                Then he spotted me watching him through the window ....

                                           ....and flew off !

             Weather - mild , gloomy , overcast   ☁️☁️☁️๐ŸŒง️☁️   

Sunday, 12 January 2025

๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽตGood morning Bobbin the Robin ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ

 Another little friend who sits waiting for me on the perch by the back door and sings so sweetly .

I got my Onion seedlings potted up .

 Then went for a walk on the beach .

Blue sky and sunshine warm on my face . A beautiful day but going to be very cold tonight .

                                                            ✨ ☀️✨