Friday 24 May 2019

Friday 24th May - Vegetable Garden Update - More Beans

 Today ,the Under Gardener  gave me  helping hand taking apart this wigwam , which I felt wasn't going to be the best way of growing these Ryder's Top O' the Pole Climbing French Beans . I think they'll just get all tangled up at the top with nowhere to go ...the clue is in the name  "Top O' the Pole" ....there needs to be a pole along the top of the frame to give the beans more space ....and it sounds as if these are fast growers !

 I found a few old bamboo canes and tied them in . 
   Beans do prefer hazel sticks / poles . They wind around them and climb better than on slippery bamboo canes  .....but since this is all I could find today they'll just have to do .

All planted up and I,ll sow a few more for spares in the solar shed .( Solar Shed with the big sloping window ) Last year something came along and cut through the stems of my beans , as if with scissors . It was very disheartening after so much work . All the dead bits lying on the ground  ....
    I actually cried ....

So anyway , some you win , some you  lose . That's just the way it is with growing vegetables ...but we pick ourselves up , dust ourselves down and start all over again and don't give up !

 It seems beneficial insects also prefer natural hazel bean poles .
                             Ladybirds eat Greenflies ...hooray !

                     Pea flowers ....soon I can add a few fresh peas to our salad .

 Crimson Broad-beans ...sweetly scented and so pretty ..the bees are loving these flowers .

 Birdie grape loving female Blackbird ....reminding me to plant out this last pot of Sweet-pea odoratus "Erewhon"  . Lavender blue and pale pink , with a very beautiful perfume , to go beside my front door . I hope I haven't left it too late .
  I know they do better from an Autumn sowing . I have a couple more packets to try again in the Autumn .
  That's all for now , I have to go check on the greenhouse . Funny weather today, sun goes in and it becomes chilly, sun comes out it becomes too hot . I have sown  the seeds of Morning Glory , Lobelia "Cambridge Blue" , Poppies and  pink Campanulas , so I am keeping a close eye on the temperature in the greenhouse .
       Cheerio for now Debbie x

1 comment:

  1. We gardeners gave to spring back so many times. I was really surprised the first time that I noticed the lovely bread bean perfume.
