Tuesday 17 September 2024

The Swallows have gone πŸπŸƒπŸ‚


     Good morning to you all ! Another heavy dew on the meadow . I have wet toes ! I am still wearing my summer sandals . Need a new pair of wellies .

The "African Key Hole Bed "  -   in which I mainly grow our Butternut Squash , but in which I also planted about twelve Sweetcorn , peas , courgettes and all my left over leeks .

The Sweetcorn was wonderful . My husband was so happy and a sight to see him munching into his cob with melted butter oozing down his chin ! 

But they were giants ! I think they took all the goodness out of the earth and the Butternuts this year are tiny . I have picked apples bigger than this sorry lot !

The Leeks too are looking really good....better than the ones in the main vegetable garden , with a nicer flavour and more reliable for me than onions .

Look at those pathetic Butternuts !  I am so disappointed  😞....sigh ... 

If you are growing Squash , they still have until the end of October to get bigger . Mine will not get any bigger because the main plants have withered .

We will still use them though .

With the cost of living crisis , I just tried my best to grow as much as I could and crammed in too much.

A lesson learned and we shall do it better next year .

                   The last courgette !  Courgette "Green Bush" did well  this year . 

      Time for me to climb in and clear out this bed .

So the weather - it's forecast to get warmer again for a couple of days and this photo shows what happens here when they say this . 

It is very beautiful though and we enjoy our walks along the cliffs .

But the sun has just come out as I write . I can see blue sky again . . . the Swallows have gone .


Monday 16 September 2024

Meanwhile in the Greenhouse - Velthemia bracteata


                                                         Oh ! No !

Sunday 15 September 2024

🌿 Shallow bowl planter - Alpines 🌿


I love my shallow bowl planter pot . It really does give me so much joy .

A bowl of little sweeties ! 

 I'm not sure if my plants are all actual Alpine plants , but they are all small and very well behaved .

Placed as they are up on an old sundial pedestal , I don't have to bend down very far to look at them . 

Sempervivums , Artemisia  treasured stones and sea shells .

Saxifraga and Irish Moss 


   ........which has the most delicate teeny tiny fairy flowers .

Gentiana "Kingfisher " I can't wait to see this in flower again .

                 .................and lots of Sempervivums of many pretty colours .

Not forgetting that little Rose cutting ! I will take this out and re-pot it probably next month . It has two rosie red new shoots coming on it , so I know it has taken root .

I need to find something else to slip in there . I wonder if there is anything flowering right now . 

 That would be nice and another handful of horticultural grit .

              Any ideas ?     It has to be small 🌸πŸͺ»πŸŒΉπŸŒ»

                                    🌿 🌀️🌿