We took a walk along the cliffs and watched the squalls coming in , we thought that we might have to make a run for the car but it soon cleared well ahead of us .
It has been like this for a couple of days now .
We had some heavy rain here last night .
Just what we needed to refill the water-butts and refresh the garden .
The postman left a parcel in our box and I was delighted on opening it to find one very generous sized Epiphyllum var "Acapulco Sunset " that I had been so excitedly waiting for . Actually it arrived super fast !
I immediately set about potting it up .
This is only a temporary pot as it turned out to be too heavy for me to lift . Also the compost that I bought recently turned out to be complete rubbish and I am waiting for another bag to be delivered which I,m sure will be much better .
I mixed the small amount of compost with some lovely earth from the bottom of our compost/bonfire heap and gave it a gentle watering in .
I bought it from Bilsdalecactus on Ebay UK . I have had some nice plants from them over the years and this time I wasn't disappointed either . A very healthy looking and generous rooted cutting indeed !
It even has another shoot coming up from the bottom .
It is a lovely variety with yellow flowers flushed with red towards the centre .
I cant wait to see the flowers !
I lifted it up onto the shelf amongst all the other Epies . It was at that point that I realised just how heavy the pot was ! Ouch ! I must have pulled a muscle !
Anyway it can stay there for a while now , until I can find another pot and a good bag of compost . It looks happy , maybe it will be o.k. after all .
I had intended to plant out the last lot of Leeks but I,m hurting too much at the moment, so I have been doing some less strenuous jobs instead .
The Blueberries are fattening up with all the lovely rain and I thought it might be best to cover it over with a net now before the berries fully ripen and the birds take them .
I have also managed to find some Ericaceous compost at last . Another re-potting job to be done . I,m just waiting for that to be delivered too .
It is only a very young plant/bush but I can see that there are enough Blueberries to make some muffins with , coming along nicely .
It is the Midsummer solstice and we are tidying up and redefining the bottom edge of the Labyrinth which has become a little out of shape .
I have been asking people what they think .
Does it look better with a tail ?
Or without the tail ?
Another little job to be done , is potting up my mint cuttings .
The sun was shining so bright it made my pic of them appear in silhouette .
They have been on my kitchen windowsill for a couple of weeks now .
There , that's better , I have put them onto my little kitchen table to take a closer look at them.
The one on the left is Peppermint and the one on the right is Chocolate Peppermint ( It smells like After Eight Mints ! Oh ! My goodness gracious me Heavenly ! )
I want more ! I don't care if it spreads I love it ! The bees love it too !
So look ,they have roots already ...I will pinch out the tops to make them bush out , pop them back into their water pots and I will pot them up as soon as that nice compost arrives .
Hurry up Mr Postman !
I noticed that my Aloe striatula is flowering . I grew these from seed that I,d gathered . They are quite easy to grow and do very well here on the Lizard .
The Cornish Leeks are flowering too , here and there in our Cornish hedgerows .
Mullion Cove
Weather forecast - hot weather is on the way !