Thursday, 20 March 2025

❄️Happy Spring Equinox ! ☀️💐



❄️After a bitterly cold night , I had to rush around uncovering all the seedlings in both greenhouse and the shed as we went forth into a glorious warm sunshiny day ☀️

☀️31degrees Celsius / 87.8 Fahrenheit  on the thermometer and that was first thing this morning !

☀️I gave everything a good drink .

Only one Cucumber from the first wave of sowing has survived ....   no idea why  although it is a bit late now , I slipped a few more seeds in .

Very disheartening ...sigh happens to pick yourself up and keep going . 

🌿 💞The Passion Flowers are doing fine though 💞🌿.      In the same compost !

Coriander is looking great .

Zinnias ......all germinated surprisingly fast and then all passed out ..I managed to save these ....but have only just pricked these out and potted on ...I wouldn't be surprised if they all pass out again and be gone by tomorrow morning .

These did really well for me last year ... I have ordered another brand of compost  and I have another packet of Zinnia seeds waiting in the wings .

The Horseradish plants which looked so pretty ...

...are now changing into rampant monsters.....I will put these into a tub of their own , so they don't become a nuisance . I know ! I know ! You did warn me ! 

 The Tomatoes are looking great and my next job is to get the trays and compost ready for their final potting up under the greenhouse bench . 

Buy in some good compost now !

I will talk more on that in my next posting .

I'm growing -  

T. Alicante     T Roma VT and  T. Cocktail Crush   

It turns out that T. Cocktail  Crush is not the small type that I had thought it was . I usually grow one large variety and one small . I might buy a small cherry type variety of Tomato from a garden centre .

I don't have a lot of room in my greenhouse , so I plant into reusable plastic pot-bags and can then squish and squeeze more in than if I were to use large hard plastic pots .  

🌿 What else is going on in the greenhouse ? 🌿🌿🌿

                                                  The Beauty
 I can see some buds coming on some of the Epiphyllums .

                                                    And the Beast !

One beast of an Opuntia's label , lost long ago . In a huge tub in the furthest corner of the greenhouse .

Next I planted out the seed potatoes that had arrived way too early and that someone recommended I start off in pots in the garage . Which I thought at the time was a bit daft , because I just knew I'd forget about them .
Sure enough I did forget about them and then when I remembered them , they had all gone crazy and I have chopped them back , but now someone else is telling me that this is a waste of time and that they won't come to anything .

 I planted them all out anyway .

I covered them over with compost to about a third of the pot .

Sarpo Mira looking o.k. 

Maybe I could have left them chitting on the egg box for a bit longer , but I really wanted to get on with it . I have so many other garden jobs to be done .
  I am doing the potatoes in tubs so my grandchildren can have the fun of harvesting them when they are ready .

                                      Well ..... you never know !  

      Lol ! ...  but this is what we are hoping for !

Topped up the bird feeders . Nice and clean .
It's really important to keep the bird feeding station equipment clean right now .
 Bird Flu is a horrible thing .

                 I recently gave the bird bath a good scrub . It was disgusting !

                          I promise to clean it out more regularly  .

                                                   Happy birds !  

                                               Happy me !

             Happy Spring Equinox all !  Hey you ! Time to get busy in the garden ! 


Weather forecast ....

                    🌧️⛈️ The rain is coming back tomorrow !   ⛈️🌧️ ......yep ....  sorry  🌧️


  1. My seed potatoes are very slow this year, I think I might just plant them and hope. Cucumber plants are better than tomato plants. I have just sorted loads of carrots, which we love.

  2. It's not too late to sow cucumbers. we haven't sowm any yet. We always hang on. People think our horseradish is a bed of docks.
