Saturday, 15 March 2025

Just a Quick Saturday Update


Good morning . I have had a bad migraine and need to take some time out from the computer for a few days .    Worries .....just worries ....sigh .

Anyway here's a few pics for you  . I cut the pathway in the labyrinth and Ricardo trimmed the walls ....  I was told off for pulling up the Aquilegia that was growing in the middle ...I got carried away weeding and pulled it up by mistake ....I was upset about it too !  I have bought some Anemone corms to plant in it's place , which should be lovely .

A few pics of in the shed ...the Epiphyllums are waking up ,  two varieties of lettuce , Evesham Sprouts , radishes ,  onions and leeks .

                  The Leeks are looking good ...always reliable . L . Blue de Solaise .

 I am not sure if I will do onions from seed this way again in the future ....mainly because I am going to need the space soon for all the salad stuff. Lettuces ,coriander , flowers , cuttings and I'll be sowing my beans and butternuts soon ....I need the space ! 

Note to self -  I need to clean the shed window ! 

A few pics from the greenhouse . Showing how I have been covering the seedlings over at night and uncovering them first thing in the morning . 

Hopefully it should start getting warmer now .

Cucumbers are not liking it . Hope I can pull two or three through .

Roma and Alicante Tomato babies looking good and I will have a few spare to give to my daughter and neighbour. 

Cocktail Crush ....only four have made it . Very disappointed with that one and I already know that I won't be growing it again .

Sweet Peppers - dawdling - looking good though - they are waiting for a bit more sunshine . 

I need a cherry type tomato to replace F1 Super Sweet 100 which didn't do quite as well as it usually does for me last year . I had thought Cocktail Crush would be a good replacement , but now I'm not sure . Maybe it will pick up when I repot them .Supposed to have good flavour . 🍅🍅🍅

I continue to bring back the cacti that are in the front porch , up to the greenhouse . I have lost quite a few , which makes me sad . Some of the Epiphyllums were cuttings from my grandmother's plants . I have no idea where she got them from . Extremely rare plant back then . Some of these are hard to find even today !

                                            Euphorbia stellata .

               Leuchtenberger principis ......a delightfully weird cactus !

Veltheimia bracteata taking it's time to open up her flowers .

I could make it bloom faster by bringing her into my kitchen , lovely but it always gets so tall !

So , this year , here she stays  !

And lastly ......

                                  The Crassula "Buddha's Temple"

My latest acquisition . To replace my lovely big one that went missing . Goodness me this was hard to find ! 


                Anyway , that's all for now !               

                                   Make it a great week ! 🦋

                🌿🤍 💐   " May all living beings be peaceful , happy and light "  🙏🏻🤍🌿



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