Tuesday 18 June 2024

🌿Tomato and Cucumber update 🌿


Another hot and sunny day ! The meadow is being cut as I write this .

Up in the greenhouse , the tomatoes and cucumbers are romping away ! Almost climbing out of the roof window ! 

They were a bit slow to get going but now there are lots of flowers .

The tomatoes are beginning to appear now too . Supersweet 100 F1 and Alicante .

I also decided to try a new for me variety called Roma . It is supposed to be a plum or egg shaped tomato .

It is quite a monster , growing next to the normal size Alicante , comparing the stems , you can see the difference . Roma has really thick stems and is growing quite aggressively compared to my other tomato plants . I am very surprised to see this and I started them later too . They have more than caught up with the others ! 

Femspot and Beth Alpha Cucumbers are also romping away ! My system for training them nicely up strings failed as they couldn't reach the height of the new greenhouse bench as I had planned , they had other plans to take over the greenhouse .

Their tendrils reaching out and latching on to anything .

We are already picking sweet crunchy little cucumbers . 5" -7" in size . Perfect for the two of us !

They are romping and scrabbling their way from the floor through the Epiphyllums and up to the roof and I don't mind ....the Epies don't mind , they prefer to grow in the shade anyway .

Sweet Peppers Toro Rosso looking very good . Husband will be very happy with these  !

                                        Hope the sun is shining for you .

"Walk and touch peace every moment .

Walk and touch happiness every moment .

Each step brings a fresh breeze .

Each step makes a flower bloom under our feet .

Kiss the Earth with your feet .

Bring the Earth your love and happiness .

The Earth will be safe   ....  when we feel safe in ourselves ."

                                                                                 Thich Nhat Hanh    🙏🏻

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